Feeding starvation victims

We’ve all heard of Concentration Camp victims who died when well-meaning liberators fed them food or candy bars. The supposed reason was that their digestive systems were no longer used to digesting food (or especially sugar?) and went into shock.

Physiologically, what effects did the food have, and what exactly caused the victims’ deaths?

This was interesting

Milk on first day? Jesus Haploid Christ, with my severe lactose intolerance I doubt I would survive that. I hope that modern guidelines improved since then.

Recent thread with some posts on point What happened in WWII concentration camps immediately after being liberated? - Factual Questions - Straight Dope Message Board

I am severely allergic to dairy products. Drinking milk would KILL - not save me. I hope there are better procedures in place nowadays to accommodate people with similar concerns.

In some Asian and African countries, lalctose intolerance runs as high as 90% of the population, and feeding a starving population milk would itself be tantamount to genocide.

Are zombies lactose intolerant too? Or do they only eat brains?

Heh I’ve had concerned grocery cashiers tell me don’t buy that fresh milk, do you want to be pissing out your butthole?(well they phrased it more delicately).

My wife finally asked me once ok what is with the massive amount of milk you buy, are you drinking it? She thought I was LIEING about being able to drink a gallon of milk in a day and be fine gastrointestinally. She was like oh sure white people have super milk powers and aren’t shooting diarrhea twenty feet.:rolleyes:


Nice derailing of the thread, guys.

You want to watch out for refeeding syndrome. Interestingly:

Do the people on *Naked and Afraid *have to have special treatment after their 3 week ordeal? From the looks of things, they only eat a few hundred calories during the entire time they are out in the bush.

Where are they? I could scrape up a few THOUSAND calories in a few hours of effort in the wild, love living on the equator.

EDIT:On a beach the other day with little traffic there was a almost human tall pile of coconuts washed up in a drift.

Have seen the show? The participants are screened and are knowledgeable in survival techniques, but all of them are hurting after a couple of weeks or less. They are completely naked and only have a machete and fire starter between them. They are usually in a tropical area.


That is hard to believe honestly, I don’t know about Namibia but I once lived for a week off nothing but uncultivated mangoes. It is hard to believe they can find nothing to eat.

EDIT:I’d let them keep the firestarter, no need you aren’t going to freeze to death in a tropical area. And Fish can be eaten raw.

This issue is dealt with during the 2010 The Chilean Mine Rescue.
The Chilean Mine Rescue - YouTube
14 minuets into this video feeding those starving miners is discussed.
I have watched that rescue about 40 times :wink:
I was on a mine rescue team for many years and participated in National

It’s a lot harder than you’d think. For example, without a fire to create some smoke most of the contestants get eaten alive by bugs. Plus you need a fire to boil your drinking water. Lots of times there’s no fruit to be had because it’s the wrong time of year.

You may not freeze to death, but if you are naked, with a very make shift shelter, wet from the rain, not eating and its in the 50’s (Fahrenheit) and its windy, you are going to be close to hypothermia.

Catching fish with one’s bare hands is possible, but its certainly not a piece of cake.