Trying to remember a Bloom County quotation

In one Bloom County strip, Oliver Wendall Jones says something along the lines of “Another beautiful theory spoiled by inconvenient facts.”

I’m pretty sure I’ve not got it right, and I can’t remember the context. Can the Dopers help me?

I can’t help with the exact wording as it appears in the strip, but I believe either Opus or Milo pipes up after that line “Herbert Spencer said it first.” The Spencer quote as I find it online is “There is nothing so tragic as a beautiful theory foiled by an inconvenient fact.”

This quote "“The great tragedy of Science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact” is attributed to Thomas Henry Huxley and I think that’s who it was attributed to in the comic

Teacher: Original ideas? There are no truly original ideas lift in science, Mr Jones.
OWJ: Au contraire! I myselft have an original idea!
Teacher: Original Mr. Jones?
OWJ: 100% original! A first! Truly unique! Allow me to present my findings!
OWJ: The following formula shows conclusively how the entire world’s energy needs can be fulfilled with only two porcupines, an exercise wheel, and six tons of “raisin bran”. Truly … an original notion.
OWJ: There! It all adds up!
Teacher: … Except that porcupines are alergic to raisins.
Teacher: Failure, Mr Jones, is hardly very original. Sit down.
OWJ: The great tragedy of science – the slaying of an original, beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
Milo: Thomas Huxley said it first.

Bloom Country Babylon - Five Years of Basic Naughtiness, p. 117

I knew you guys would come through - thanks!

Thanks for the correction; I definitely should have remembered Huxley. :smack: