Stupid/small factual inaccuracies in tv shows that annoy you.

I was watching ER Season 4 over the weekend and Dr. Corday says to Dr. Benton “When I was in Belfast I visited the Bogside.” The Bogside is a Republican area in Derry City, not Belfast. A similar inaccuracy about a US city I would probably never have picked up on. It just took me out of the show, reminded me I was watching fiction. Similarly I watched Cities Of The Undeground: Viking Underground last week, where the show was about Dublin and environs. In it the narrator says the Vikings arrived on the scene in 800BC. :smack:


Why is there a member of the Mossad in the US NCIS? And an apparent british civillian medical examiner? Anybody in Groton tat I came into contact with in NCIS was navy/marine/retired navy/marine/reservist doing their 2 weeks

Actually any CSI/criminalist procedural … why are they going out on arrests and interrogating suspects?

House - why are the seriously uber doctors running labs, using the radiolgical equipment/doing general techie work?

TV shows and movies routinely get just about everything possible wrong when guns are involved. An especially egregious example was the porcelain Glock 7 in Die Hard 2; but it’s hard to watch any movie where there are guns involved and not spot bunches of them.

It’s all a part of the Hotness Exchange Program, designed to promote understanding between countries.

I don’t know.

I hate it when TV shows or movies that take place in the Central or Mountain Times Zones of the USA don’t understand prime time is shifted to 7pm - 10pm. No one in those time zones has the 11 O’Clock news.

This always bugs me a lot, especially since the lab nerds are always so smug, even when they’re entirely wrong about the suspect being guilty. Bones does this too, mostly with Bones, who is almost pathologically bad at relating to people, being allowed to interact with grieving family and interrogate potential murderers.

I believe that House “doesn’t trust” the regular tech staff, so he makes his team do all the lab work and tests. What’s more unbelievable is the idea that House still has a job where’s he’s allowed to treat patients.

In context, could it mean that Dr Corday visited there while he was staying in Belfast, but not implying that Bogside is in Belfast? After all it’s not far away enough that you couldn’t do a day trip. Sort of like if I were to say “While I was at Orlando I went to Busch Gardens.”

You can’t blame him, if the plot calls for even mentioning a lab tech that’s where the diagnostic error is eventually going to turn up.

I doubt Kirk let his Red Shirts take out life insurance policies either.


Shows set in a specific city but obviously filmed in L.A. Monk and Charmed being the worst offenders for San Francisco.

The magical zooming software, where you can “clean up” a pixelated low resolution graphic from a security camera and reveal a license plate.

The GPS Evidence - Bones, I’m talking to you. It’s not dirt that comes from, say, the Appalachians. It’s dirt that comes from the police station parking lot of Buttfuck, West Virginia. The left side. Nowhere else on earth.

I’m about as far from being a gun enthusiast as one can get. But there’s one thing that bugs me every time.

Point a gun at someone and imply “I’m going to shoot you.”

After the target says something smartass, cock the gun and imply “And I mean it.”

It makes no difference what kind of gun is being used. They always do this. ALWAYS.

If you are going to have military in your show, learn how to do a proper fucking salute. It’s not hard to do properly, and the mechanics of it are not secret. But a poorly performed salute, something that is just not done if you are in the military, bugs the shit out of me and takes me immediately out of the show.

Anything involving aviation. They never get it right.

Heck yeah.

No soluting indoors unless you’re reporting to an officer.
No soluting if you’re carrying a weapon.
No soluting if you are a prisoner – I’m looking at you A Few Good Men.
Unless you’re John Wayne, no sloppy salutes where you kind of casually flop the arm up with curled fingers.
Civilians soluting anything looks like a lame cliche to me, I can’t think of any instances offhand where it doesn’t. Writers, you can stop using this now, mmkay?

Yeah, I’ve mentioned this before. The Office does this a lot too.

Guns also don’t make all those little clickey-clackey noises when you draw or aim them. I hate that one intensely.

It’s even more annoying when edged weapons do the same thing. It’s amazing how I can cut up the whole chicken and the only thing that makes a noise is the chicken. (Or the knife might scrape the bone.) Surprisingly, the chicken does not say “Ksssssshing!”

I’ve become an NCIS addict, although now that I’ve apparently seen them all it’s hard to get a fix.

Anyway, there was one episode where a hospital patient (Navy commander, I believe) was blown up. The writers were apparently under the impression that oxygen is flammable, rather than that pure oxygen would greatly accelerate combustion, which led to a string of errors.

But the thing that really drives me nuts is the occasional crimes in Shenandoah National Park. Sometimes they call it Shenandoah State Park. Sometimes they call it Shenandoah State Park and refer to a map of Shenandoah National Park. Except that the map cannot possibly be of SNP, as it’s the wrong shape. And the vegetation and topography are all wrong (being in Southern California and all). And there’s no Skyline Drive. I won’t even get into the portrayal of the people.

I also really like how the team gets into the van for a quick drive to Norfolk (200 miles away).

That and the “Ksssssshing!” chicken get to me. In the movie Elizabeth, when Norfolk takes the ring off of Mary’s finger, it makes a squishy sound. And in a bunch of movies aimed at younger audiences, fat people are always making farty noises.

I respect the profession of sound design a lot, but some of these guys need to pull back a bit.

I love the movie Legally Blonde, but one scene really bugged me. When Elle first arrives on campus, she’s talking to a bunch of social misfits who can’t comb their hair, dress in any coordinated way, or say anything that doesn’t smack of radical feminism. That’s not Harvard! That’s more like MIT.

I’m sorry - three times is too many. I can’t help myself! It’s sAluting. :wink:

I hate that they get back DNA reports in hours, not weeks.