Women w/ short hair, has it negatively impacted your life?

Particularly younger women under 35, where it is not in the norm to have short hair.

I got a haircut (pixie style) around a few months ago, and my dad is still shitting bricks about it.

Last night he told me that I have pretty much ruined my life. He said that I am a lot less attractive and will have serious trouble getting hired anywhere or finding any man who wants to date me.

I’ve always known there was a slight prejudice agaisnt women with short hair (and men with long hair), and I am willing to take responsibility for it. I’m loving my new do, but I don’t think things are as grave as my father percieves them.

This was my first haircut in my life, and I am in my mid-twenties, so I am new to this world.

Women with short hair, how is life treating you? How are things different since you cut your hair?

Your dad needs to get a hobby. I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. I have had hair both short and long, and if it looks cute, I know very few people who would care what the length is. It’s not how long it is, it’s how it makes you FEEL—because there are plenty of women out there who have short hair that get plenty of action. I hope you won’t take his commentary seriously enough to let him influence you. The length of your hair has nothing do with how sexy or attractive you are.

I am sorry that I’m not able to directly answer your question, but it makes me sad to think that there’s even a possibility that this might be true. I know some women who look absolutely fantastic with short haircuts, and the idea that they might be taken less seriously by the business word or potential suitors is just silly.

Diamonds02, I’m sure your hair looks fantastic, and I wish you tons of success!

Your dad is nuts. I bet he is the type who is very “traditionally” minded, women should look a certain way and do certain jobs, etc. He should grow the hell up.

I have never had issues with men or jobs because of my dang hair. I keep it between shoulder length and “Rosemary’s Baby” short at any time and it’s never been a problem.

Your father is wrong, mean, and sexist. Look around you. There are tons of successful women (in business and love) with short hair. Jeeeeez…the 17th century called. They want your dad back.

One time I cut my hair really short, I was visiting my parents, and they sat me down for a “serious discussion” and asked if I was gay now.

Really! This happened!

I laughed in their face and, afterwards, I was a bit embarassed for them. They think they are pretty liberal (vietnam protestors/ bra burning feminist, etc, back in the day) but I guess old, extremely stupid prejudices die hard.

But, other than that, it did not affect my life or my dating prospects. Now that I think of it, I met my husband when I had that haircut.

Well I met my husband while I had a short pixie cut. In fact when I first cut my hair I got noticed and hit on more than with long hair.

I have gotten professional jobs with either long or short hair, and have never noticed any difference between how I am treated in relation to hair length.

Is your father Archie Bunker by any chance?

My mother comes from the Little Girls Should Have Long Hair and Wear Pink school of thought, but I don’t subscribe one bit. Ever since I was old enough to not have to listen to my mom about my hair, the first thing I did was take a scissors to it. My hair isn’t pixie short, but it’s slightly above my shoulders, and it has never (to the best of my knowledge) interfered with my ability to get a job or a date.

My hair has gone from #3 clipper to middle of the back. Several times.
I can’t say I’ve noticed that the length of my hair really makes any difference, as long as it’s decently cared for.

Now the purple streaks may have…

I had always had long hair until I cut it short (also pixie style) last summer at age 30. Your father is being ridiculous. I have gotten many complements on my new look. Several friends have told me how flattering it is and that I look hot - although this assessment is helped by also having lost weight. One classmate told me that it gave the impression of serious lady doctor who doesn’t have time to mess with long hair. Since I look much younger than I really am I view anything that makes people take me seriously as a professional as a good thing. Dating is going to be a mixed bag. Rather that being ignored by men some people will give you an extra look because it is so unusual for a young woman to have really short hair. But there is a cultural association between long hair and sensuality/sexuality so that’s working against you with some guys.

So short hair has been a good experience for me both in terms of the actual look and for just doing something really different that I’d never done before. That said, I may be going back to long hair because it’s so much lower maintenance.

ETA: As with any look, if it makes you feel good it’s much more likely to look good on you.

While I’d agree with other posters that your dad is *way *off base, I’d cut him a little slack. It’s probably very hard for him to deal with you as a grown-up, and your first hair cut is an obvious physical reminder you are no longer his little girl.

I had short hair through high school, and long hair since about 1990. Can’t say if anyone did or didn’t hire me because of my hair, but I really doubt it was a factor.

Other than occasionally being called “sir”, not really. :wink:

I disagree. The only response to someone who tells you that short hair will ruin your life is to laugh in his face.

Honestly, does he not own a TV?

Hey, with my hair really short I was once asked by a priest if I’d ever thought about joining the priesthood! So there you go - a job offer in part because of my short hair.


Cut it short since I was a teenager. My hair is a disaster, I hate hairstyling, and I’d rather waste my time and (non existant) money on sleep, sex, food, and travel.

I don’t think, if something is denied, it would be because of the short hair (btw, I have a curly bob).

I’ve been working in the professional world for more than 25 years now, and have had business dealings with women from many different industries. From what I can tell, short hair is more common than long for professional women over 25-30.

Do you mean you have *never *had your hair cut before? How long was it!? While your father’s views are wrong, sexist, and frankly stupid, if you went from hair down to your ankles to something only an inch or two long, that’s quite a major change from how he’s seen you your entire life.

I’m wondering if this might be part of the OP’s problem. Is it possible that your father associates short hair on women with lesbians, but isn’t willing to just come right out and ask?

Joe Namath has not hit on Suzie Kolbert since she [link broken]grew her hair out. So there.

gives a thumbs up for pixie cuts

Me likes.