I pit "this".

I hate hateHATE when someone hits “Quote” on a post and follows it with “This.”. What lazy bullshit. If you agree with a post, how goddam hard is to actually key in a few words describing your agreement and expanding on it? But no, somehow, even on this board (which I feel should be above this kind of lethargic and useless posting), some genius has to chime in with “this” and feel as if they’ve made a contribution to the thread. Y’all just stop it now. It pisses me off.

And of course, kudos to the first hiLARious poster that comes along and does exactly what I’m bitching about. Oho, my sides, they hurt from the laughter.



Didn’t we just do this, (with the same jokes from the first posters, (+1 etc.))?




Psst! singular! Your shiny, shiny buttons are showing…

Like it.


Double hate if they quote five paragraphs only to add their four letters of uninspired agreement. What a bunch of tools.


This post is like your mom’s website. I pushed a few buttons and it came out all over the screen.

Sorry if it was done before - the search thingy didn’t review its secrets to me. Link so I can feel better about myself?

Sorry, guess I’ve been whooshed. What does this mean? I bow before your metaphoric superiority, I guess.:rolleyes:


(Too Short, Don’t Care)



I gotta agree with the OP. I don’t know exactly why it annoys me, but it does. Mildly annoys, that is.


I agree, but lots of things mildly annoy me, if I started a pit thread on evey one I would get banned.