Will Erik Prince be charged with War Crimes?

Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

I would love to see Mr. Prince charged, arrested, convicted and put away somewhere dank and unpleasant, like downtown Detroit maybe.


Well, typically for a criminal indictment, you’re looking for more certainty than the statement that someone “may have” committed a crime.

Lest someone try and nitpick my post to death, let me amend it:

I would love to see Mr. Prince charged, arrested, tried, convicted and put away somewhere dank and unpleasant, like downtown Detroit maybe.
ETA: the link in the OP wasn’t working for me (just a blank page) but the story is now being put up elsewhere. link

from The Nation:

Please tell me that Greystone owns an island with a castle Greyskull on it somewhere. :wink:

You just look at the guy and you can’t help but think he imagines himself a character in a James Bond book. Licensed to Kill for Jesus.

(Allegedly, the exact same Jesus they told me about in Sunday School. We were Methodists, so maybe this whole Commando Jesus thing is Baptist.)

Prince is beyond rich and so connected that i doubt he can be touched.

Princes father owns an auto supplier company that came up with the lit vanity mirrors. His sister is married to a Devos who started Amway. They fund conservative think tanks and push their brand of religion very hard.

Heh, actually I think the church militant is a Catholic thing. :wink:

I fail to see how Prince and Blackwater are more culpable than George Bush and the leadership of the American military.

Looks like they might actually have Prince on something indictable. That would be the big difference that I see. And he’s not a representative of the American government.

Both of those things may be true but I don’t see how the latter makes him any more culpable, as in, responsible for people’s deaths. How many completely innocent civilians were killed by US bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan? Surely more than Blackwater could ever dream of. At least Blackwater doesn’t bomb anyone. Most of the civilian casualties in war come from bombs, as far as I know.

That’s not the topic up for discussion. Nothing new can come from talking about how much we hate the Bush administration. We’ve all had the same conversation at least 100 times with the same exact people.

This isn’t about the morality of war, this is about whether or not Erik Prince will be brought up on charges.

Seems everytime I think of Blackwater/XE I think of *Soldier of Fortune *magazine. That merc porn stroke rag still exist? Did Blackwater advertise there?

We never seem to run out of men who want to be tough guys, do we?

Heh, some people need killin’. :wink: We’re a violent species, don’t let the hippies tell ya any different.

Good point. Arrest them too.

Looks like they may have him on Money laundering.

Warcrimes? :dubious: Look, they only charge the worst of the worst of the worst with War Crimes- and even of those they usually target the ones who have little power now.

What war crimes. When Bremer took over one of his 100 rules was
No. 17. grants foreign contractors including private security firms immunity from Iraqi laws.
We set the ground work very early for a lawless environment. If an Iraqi has a complaint ,he has to take it to U.S, Courts. good luck with that.