Yellowjacket stings. Will anything make them stop hurting?

I got stung three times this morning by yellowjackets and the pain is really getting to me.

Two stings above my left elbow, one in my left armpit.

I don’t have any baking soda or an onion, so two of the remedies I’ve seen online are no goes.


Try unflavored meat tenderizer…make a paste with a tiny bit of water. Don’t understand the science, but it worked for me. Have also heard of using mud, in a pinch. Or try ammonia ( I know…?!?) it works for mosquito bites.

I’m afraid I don’t have any meat tenderizer, either. If it’s a cooking ingredient, chances are I don’t have it.

I do have ammonia, but for me that works on bites because it makes them burn instead of itch.

Not trying to sound rude, but is there any reason you can’t go to the store to buy one of the remedies? :confused:

It’s over 40 miles round trip and my left arm feels like crap, so I was hoping to avoid driving.

Oh well. Thanks for the help, dragonlady.

I think it has something to do with the sting poison being acid. Baking soda, etc., tend to neutralize it.

Second the notion of meat tenderizer. It should have MSG in it, check the label before purchase. We are a long way from a store, and we keep the meat tenderizer on hand just for insect stings. Ammonia may work, try it on one sting and see what happens.

Next trip to town get the meat tenderizer and keep some on hand. When needed, apply as per dragonlady’s instructions.

If you’re going to the store, get Sting-stop or a similar remedy.

I hope the next time I get stung is so far in the future I will have thrown away the meat tenderizer wondering why I had it in the first place, but I’ll buy some. Thanks for reinforcing dragonlady’s suggestion, JCoM.

I’ve put ammonia on sting #1 and #2. They’re close together, so it was just easier. It was cool feeling when I first put it on, but it evaporated really quickly and left behind a bit of a burning sensation along with the original stings, so I’d say ammonia isn’t a good remedy. But it was worth a shot! :slight_smile:

That site lists activated charcoal. I think I might have some of that, strangely enough.

I don’t have a solution for you, but you have my sympathy. The last time I got stung by a YJ was 21 years ago, and I have gone to great lengths to avoid it since then. I’ve been stung by various bees since that time, but no more YJ’s; nothing has hurt as bad as that YJ sting so long ago.

This is only the third time in my life I’ve been stung by anything that I recall. The other two times were wasps. The wasp stings hurt much more at first but the pain didn’t last as long. One was on a finger, and one was near my right eye.

I couldn’t find the charcoal, so I’ve gone back to cold compresses. My skin is starting to get really irritated, I think almost as much for what I’m doing to it as the stings themselves.

Does anybody smoke? What works great is tobacco. Break it out of the cigarette (or use chewing tobacco) and wet it down and put it on the stings.
I acidentally disturbed a nest and was stung by yellow jackets six times last week and it worked to take the pain of the sting away.
Also, be SURE you have any piece of the stinger that might be left behind out. I had one that got infected from a tiny piece of stinger.

Yeah, tobacco is what I’ve heard, too. Not sure why that works. Also, benadryl may or may not work, but it’ll knock you unconscious, which is even better than dulling the pain.

(For that matter, I wonder whether drinking heavily would help?)

I took benadryl as soon as I got stung since I didn’t know what my reaction was going to be. I took a little nap but woke up from the pain and haven’t really been able to get away from it since.

This is for bee stings, but a guy got himself stung, repeatedly and on purpose, in order to compare remedies. Upshot is ice and toothpaste work best.

P.S. my then-4 year-old-daughter who got stung while at a picnic I didn’t attend told me the story of how she got stung by a “yellowcoat”. Get it? Jacket…coat. Yeah, so we always call 'em yellowcoats in my family now.

No great tips but you have my sympathies as well. I got stung by a bald-faced hornet the other week and it hurt for hours. The damn stinger actually drew blood and I still have a mark on my finger.

I can’t imagine being stung multiple times but, if it’s anything like mine, it’ll go away on its own accord in a bit. Just sucks a lot until then.

I can’t really help, but I can share your pain:

Approximately 20 years ago, before I had internet and the ability to research such things, I got nailed on the shin by several yellow jacket stings. I still had hard knots on my leg two months later.

Hope you’re feeling better today!

Last time my daughter was stung the nurses at her office made a paste with tobacco and toothpaste. They claimed it is much more effective than any med they had in the doctor’s office.

Yep, much better today. One of the stings has pretty much faded away to nothing. The two others are big, blotchy red patches, but most of the pain is gone unless I press on them. So, I try not to press on them!

A couple years ago I was walking my dog and a wasp got in the back of my shirt. He was stinging over and over. I had to rub my back against a tree to squish him to make him stop. I must have gotten nailed 5 times.