Blackwater used 'child prostitutes in Iraq'


Still winning hearts and minds from that moral high ground.

Across the border, the Taliban will make the most of this.

This comes on the back of the les than reassuring news three weeks ago: Link


Say, wasn’t the former Vice President in some small way connected to this company?

Do you perhaps have a link to a cite that isn’t funded by the Iranian government?

How about ABC News?

Shocked, shocked I am, that the decision to hire mercenaries had such results.

Why are you giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

The people who run Blackwater, or whatever they call themselves today, are some of the most evil people on the planet. I wish a mighty pox upon them.

That said, thanks to Bushie they’ve got a pretty heavy presence in Iraq and it’s probably kind of difficult to simply ask them to leave. I doubt there’s a PMC outfit that’s not run and staffed by vile people.

Can we get them to cheer real loud so they can be taken out by snipers?

They’re owned by Disney, which made billions from Aladdin, which is about Muslims!

Cut Blackwater some slack. Maybe they do and maybe they don’t employ child prostitutes who perform oral sex for $1.00 per blow job (an actual accusation), but even if they do… they’re doing the work of God.

(Seriously, Erik Prince is a James Bond/Dan Brown/Tom Clancy supervillain from all accounts: a billionaire religious Fundie fanatic [how Fundie? He dropped his support of George Bush the First because he was so liberal on gays] with a private army and a trail of dead bodies when an investigation starts and information on and contacts among every powerful person in the last administration- you just know there’s an underwater base somewhere and a single button that will blow up Pittsburgh as a show of force one day.)

Lets contract nationwide mandatory single payer UHC thru em. They’d do a heckuva better job than the insurance companies, for sure.

There’s gotta be a base in a fake volcano, too. Supervillians with only one superbase are SO 1965.

And an obvious, clearly visible self destruct button in it.

And a white cat with a diamond collar.

There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s evil, but I’m not convinced he’s Bond level evil.

Putin could take him out with a Q-Tip.

I’ve offered the services of my evil white cat before. I still think Cuthbert can take 'em all out. They’ll be sobbing for mercy.

I wonder if mercenaries have to deal with OSHA.

Nah, he’s more like the bad guy from a Lorenzo Lamas flick. I bet he has an octagonal dojo hidden behind his office where he goes to practice his katana, shirtless.

I have no particular love of Blackwater, but I do hate propaganda. In this particular case, I’d be suspicious of the choice of words in the article(s). Statistics-wise, it’s unlikely that there’s any correlation between being a mercenary and being a pedophile. So let’s review a few points:

  1. The grand majority of “child prostitutes” in the US are 17 years old; the next largest group is 16 years old; and so on.
  2. It’s fully possible that a significant portion of all prostitutes in Afghanistan are minors, making it so that any random selection of booty call is likely to end up being “child prostitution” regardless that there was no particular choice made to target children.
  3. Depending on location of deployment, regular military men’s use of prostitutes can get up into the 60% range (averaging data on marines in Korea/Thailand). There’s no particular reason to think that Blackwater soldiers are more or less choosy about their Afghanistan prostitutes than US military.

I agree; flinging accusations of child rape, pedophilia or anything else related to sexual contact with minors is always a sure way to get emotions high and everyone all wound up into a flurry of righteous indignation and anger. I’m not completely discounting the accusations but I’m also not going to automatically believe them either. I know for sure that if I wanted to really destroy someone’s reputation, the first thing I’d do was to say something like this (ok, maybe after first accusing them of racism,) whether it had a basis in truth or not. It’s a common tactic of propaganda, so it immediately raises a red flag for me when I hear it.

Our own child prostitutes want $5 a blow job. If it weren’t for those child prostitute unions, these jobs wouldn’t be outsourced overseas.