What's the tallest cliff with a flat top?

Something like the Cliffs of Moher. I know ‘flat top’ is going to be somewhat fuzzy, but I’m basically wondering about places you could stroll up to the edge, not something you need climbing gear for. Bonus points for big, flat areas right next to the cliff, and extra bonus points if it’s not a seacliff.

Table_Mountain The mountain is around 3500 feet high with the cliff bits at the top taking up about half that and there is a large flat area behind the cliffs that is easily walked up to, or you can take the insanely expensive cable car directly to the top.

If you have to be able to stroll up the whole thing, El Capitan might be a good consideration.

If it just needs a flat area at the top big enough to base jump off or something, Mt Thor and the Great Trango Tower are higher vertical drops, I think.

And of course you can sort of walk to the top of Angel Falls.

Where’s that “Devil’s Tower” thing better known from the movie, “Close Encounters of a 3rd Kind”? Wyoming?

You should specify that you want to know the largest relative drop, and not highest altitude or this will turn into an altitude contest.

Angel Falls is the tallest/biggest drop waterfall…2648ft drop.

Seconding Table Mountain - not that the cable car is that expensive, though.

Preikestolen in Norway is not the tallest, but a pretty cool cliff. It’s around 600 meters, or 2000 feet. It could be seen as a seacliff as the fjords are extensions of the sea, but at the same time it feels different.


But the OP specifically states: “…places you could stroll up to the edge, not something you need climbing gear for.”

Devil’s Tower would require gear.

I think the Grand Canyon would fit your criteria wouldn’t it? Not sure what the biggest single cliff drop is, but the whole thing’s more than a mile deep in places.

That’s the place I thought of, too.

It’s beautiful. I will NEVER go there. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I came in to mention Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen) too. Those pictures give me the Scandinavian willies.

(BTW why doesn’t the Quote button work any more?)

The cliff Verona Rupes on Miranda, orbiting Uranus, is about 12 miles tall, and has some flatness at the top.
You’d need a pressure suit to hike it, but it looks to me like climbing gear wouldn’t be strictly necessary.

Okay, a couple specifications - yes, I’m looking for largest relative drop, from (flat) top to (preferably flat) bottom. Also, by ‘stroll up to’, I don’t mean from the bottom, just from somewhere. So, Devil’s tower definitely counts, because there’s a good chunk of flat space at the top (does anyone know how much?). Still, only about 1200 feet, so out of the running, I think.

Also, canyons are cool, but they don’t get the extra bonus points for flat space at the bottom (it’s got to be more flat space than the Grand Canyon, at any rate). And anywhere with less gravity is just cheating.

Meru Peak in the Indian Himalayas is 6600 meters tall (22,600 ft) and its Eastern side is an almost perfectly vertical rock face, descending 1700 meters (5,500 ft) straight down.

The Toroweap section of the Grand Canyon has 2000’ vertical cliffs. This picture is about 50 meters from a campsite that you can drive to (it’s a long dirt road, however). The approach is completely flat.

El Capitan is 3000 feet from the valley floor. Half Dome is 4,737 ft above the floor, but only about half of that is sheer vertical. It’s not easy, but you can walk up the whole way.

I climbed this (quite some time ago). I recall it as semi-flat, sort of squareish and perhaps 200 ft on a side.

But the easy route to the top is a near-vertical crack climb rated at 5.7 - not something that many would call a stroll.

That is really awesome.

Yes, but once you get up, you can stroll, yeah? That’s more what I’m aiming for - flat top, not easy access.