On The Legalization Of Crack Cocaine, And A Query

I really wish crack were legal. A friend of mine told me that using it was the most intense pleasure he had ever experienced. As I get older, pleasure is harder to come by, so I think that crack might be just the ticket for me. Of course, I would never suggest that anyone actually break any laws. I only lobby for the laws to change so that crack would become available to everyone.

As I am on a limited income, it occurs to me that the most efficient way to obtain crack, once it is legalized, is to manufacture it myself. Can anyone out there tell me how to do that? Please spare no detail. Once crack is legal, I want to jump in with all four feet, so to speak.

I’m probably going to get a very large warning for [link broken]this. You owe me.

I would hate to see a troll (we all know who I am referring to) cause a good poster get banned, trying to prove a point.

I suppose that would be a huge feather in said troll’s cap, and just what they would hope to accomplish.

Why give him or her the satisfaction…

And here’s where you went too far and ruined a good parody. As far as I know, the poster you wish to make a point about has never asked for advice on acting on his predilection.

Nevertheless, I am speaking only in the hypothetical, and am not advocating the breaking of any laws. My understanding is that if these criteria are met, anything goes.

Oh! I get it now. :smack:

Thanks for leaving me out in the cold again, bastards.

My understanding is that anything goes until it becomes asking for advice on breaking the law. I confess, I don’t know if couching it in a someday hypothetical is enough to let it slide. Hopefully a mod will come along and clear that up.

You haven’t advocated anything. You should be just fine.

Well, you’re gonna’ have to loby to get prostitution legal too because you’re going to be sucking a lot of penis to cover your new habit.

Once it’s legal either the price will go down or I’ll just make it myself.

Legalize it.

Poster #1 asking for advice on how to break the law+Poster #2 giving asked for advice on how to break the law=Moderator closing thread.