Sex-change organ exchange?

The thread on sex ch-ch-changes made me think of this:

  1. AFAIK, F-to-M surgery is harder than M-to-F, becuase it’s very difficult to make working male genitalia.

  2. The majority of transsexuals are M-to-F.

  3. Therefore, there should be a surplus of, ah, free willies out there somewhere.

So, do former males ever donate their old penises to soon-to-be males? If so, is the former male officially counted as an organ donor, getting bumped to the front of transplant waiting lists and so forth?

A good deal more than you might care to know about sex reassignment surgery. http: //

Don’t bother to thank me.


Organ transplants are dangerous and very risky. They are only done in life and death situations and the recipient must be on immunosuppresant medications for life.

In gender reassignment there are no spare willies. They get reformed into a makeshift vagina.

Okay, instead of thanking you, I’ll ask you in the future to label NSFW sites as such.

Don’t criticize the guy for answering your question. You asked about female to male sex reassignment. Did you honestly expect that a factual cite wouldn’t have a picture of a vagina? Be careful what you post.

But, as far as your question goes, the penis relies on blood flow. A lot of blood flow. There’s really no good way to graft one on that will mimic a natural born one.

For those that don’t want to click and read the link:

MTF genital surgery is done by using nearly all the parts of the penis and scrotum to form the vagina, clitoris and labias, so even putting aside all risks inherent in xenografts, there just isn’t any material to reuse.

For making a penis, another kind of FTM surgery is done not by grafting skin/flesh and connecting nerves but by remodeling the existing parts:

Actually, I did think it would be text-only. Because of the two-click rule. I was just startled to see a big closeup of the netherregions, especially since I was at a public computer in a religious institution. :smack:

[Moderator note]

I haven’t tried clicking on the link myself since I’m at work, but if it indeed shows genitalia you should know better than to include an NSFW link. Don’t do this again.
General Questions Moderator

Really, Collibri?

Did you just say “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like it?”, and then tell Shodan not to do something when you don’t even know what he did?


The picture in question includes the caption "Right: Photo of the details of the genitalia of a TS woman (with her legs spread in stirrups and her labia partially opened) after undergoing vaginoplasty (SRS) and labiaplasty performed by Eugene Schrang, M.D. of Neenah, WI.

Does that sound like porn to you?

It doesn’t to me. It sounds like answer to a question about vaginas. Before you put the mod hat on, you should take a moment to find out what is actually posted before you pull the


Another thing, look up the Wikipedia entries for [penis](http: // and [vagina](http:// Vagina - Wikipedia).

There’s pictures! Are you going to bring the hammer down on wiki links?

[Moderator Warning]

I don’t know what’s so hard to get about this: links showing genitalia, even non-erotic ones are often frowned on in work environments. Having them show up on your computer as the boss works by can take some explaining.

Consider this a formal warning. Do not post not-safe-for-work-links. This includes wiki links. If it shows human genitalia, break the link before posting.

General Questions Moderator

I think we need to have a talk in ATMB, Colibri.

Those interested in SDMB policy on NSFW links can follow the discussion here.

If I’m not mistaken, they remove a ‘penis-shaped’ muscle near the capri radialis and somehow put it down there, and through some kind of pump that is supposed to look like testes you can make your wannabe-penis become erect. Or at least that’s what I remember from a documentary I watched many many years ago.

When a trans man begins testosterone therapy, the clitoris will begin to grow. As it’s analogous to the head of the penis, it’ll respond to testosterone in much the same way that an adolescent boy’s does during puberty. Unfortunately, it’s much smaller and the structures that make up a penis in a male are spread out throughout the female genitalia, so it’s not going to actually grow into a full-sized, functional penis, but it will try its best. It may grow up to about two inches in length.

Wanting greater length, some trans men will resort to topical DHT cream and “pumping”, wherein a device is used to apply suction to the clitoris and encourage blood flow. There’s still some debate about whether or not this help, but a number of surgeons recommend it.

Many trans men go without the “bottom surgery” at all, because it’s difficult, expensive, prone to complications, and the results are typically unsatisfactory. Metoidioplasty is the most common surgical option and preferred among trans men. The ligament that holds the clitoris in place is cut, allowing the full length–most of which is internal–to be utilized. Its position is changed so that it more closely corresponds with the position of the penis. Some surgeons are experimenting with combining that surgery with one where the urethra is moved as well, so that the man can urinate through his neophallus, but in most cases that’s reserved for a second surgery as it is actually more likely to result in complications due to the nature of the urinary tract. Some trans men have achieved up to four inches in length through this method.

A phalloplasty is what MatthewGerlach refers to. An erectile pump may be used or rods. Since non-genital tissue is used, most of it lacks erotic sensation. The clitoral nerves can be utilized in the phalloplasty in a number of ways, but there is a risk of losing erotic sensation entirely. A *best *case scenario involves retaining the ability to orgasm. Most men don’t want to take the risk of less than best. A phalloplasty can be used to form an average-sized penis, unlike the metoidioplasty.

The metoidioplasty may result in a smaller penis, but it also results in less scarring since only the genitals are involved in the surgery and greater erotic satisfaction, even if penetrative sex might be somewhat difficult. It also has erectile tissue in it, so no implants are required.

Looking at these two surgery options, you should be able to see why a penile transplant wouldn’t actually be that useful for a trans man. Once we have the capability of nerve grafting to the degree that a penile transplant wouldn’t result in a loss of sensation, that same technology can be used to make the phalloplasties more satisfactory. Why have someone else’s tissue and risk rejection when you can do the same thing with your own tissue?

I have declined from including links here, as they include drawings, photographs, or graphic descriptions of genitalia and surgery. If someone is interested in more information, I’d suggest looking at metoidioplasty dot com, which outlines the surgical techniques and outcomes in greater detail.

Reported post #16