How Wii Fit are you?

Simple question: Do you use Wii Fit as your primary source of exercise, and if so, how has it been working for you?

We got a Wii Fit back around Nov 2008 and I got in the habit of getting up every morning at 5:30am to do 30 min of exercise before getting in the shower and getting ready for work. I’d say at the time it was working pretty well, considering it was too cold to go outside and do anything, and our gym membership had lapsed.

Sometime in the spring when the weather warmed up and I could start going for walks or riding my bike, I quit using the Wii Fit on a daily basis, and soon quit using it at all. It sat under the couch all summer until my stepdaughter asked if she could borrow it a few months ago.

I really need to get it back from her and start using it again…


I’m thinking about going to Best Buy after work today if the weather clears up a little. But you’ve brought up something interesting – am I just going to stop using it after the novelty wears off?

And what do I need? Just the console and Fit Plus? Is that all the hardware and software that I need?

I love Wii Fit. My wife bought me one last year and it’s been my primary source of exercise other than walking for at least 18 months. I’d been doing great on it until I fell down the stairs last month, I’ve lost a little over 30 lbs. As soon as I can get up and down comfortably I’ll get back to it.

I have one, and I like it, but I don’t know that I think it’s a great form of primary exercise. When I used mine, I tried to use it faithfully, but found the base Fit game to leave something to be desired. I also have the EA Sports Active game, which was better, but I still don’t think it was enough, not all on it’s own.

I think it’s a fine “replacement” sort of thing when you can’t get in a proper workout, but I don’t think I got great results when it was the only regime I was using.

I’m hoping to start working out again after New Years, and I think that it’ll be a great complement to my gym visits, though.

Yeah, I guess I have to be careful not to make it my primary source of exercise.

I think it would make a good adjunct, though. When I was in Florida the last three times, I made it a point to either get to the gym or go for a long walk every day. Then I’d go back to my sister’s house and play Wii. So in addition to regular exercise, my relaxation time was just more exercise.

I haven’t done it consistently since we got it about a year ago, but I’ve had a few bursts of using it daily for several weeks in a row.

I’ve lost about 20 lbs this year and definitely gained a little stamina. The hula hooping and some of the one footed yoga poses are still too hard for me.

It doesn’t seem like I’ll ever get washboard abs if I just do wii fit, but that’s not my goal. I’m middle aged and doughy and my fitness goals have to do more with improving my cardio vascular health than my appearance. IT’s better than what I was doing, which was absolutely nothing.

I can’t use it yet. My goal when I get down to 330 is to buy one. It’ll be a Wii Fit Plus, though.

I’ve had one since June or so, and while it’s not my primary form of exercise, it is my primary motivator. For me, it helps mainly as a reminder to get off the couch, and also as a reminder that it can feel good to move around and use my body. Plus it’s fun. My SiL got the Plus version for Xmas & I played around with it a bit, and I definitely think I’m going to upgrade - if you’ve already got the board, the new version of the game is only $20.

I find sometimes that when I get on it and involved in a game, I lose track of time and find I’ve done an hour or more. If nothing else, it’s a monotony breaker!

For us, it’s not so much our primary form of exercise (that’s walking and cycling to work), as exercise we’ll do even when we’re unwilling to do anything else energetic. It’s more fun than the gym and way, way cheaper. The exercises aren’t much effort (actually, some of the yoga ones are, but they’re not as fun), but we’re much more likely to do them than anything else. Basically, it fills time that would otherwise be spent sitting on the couch watching TV.

I’d definitely recommend that - loads of new activities for the money.

I bought the basic Wii system yesterday, but they were all out of balance boards. Next week…

We got our Wii fit this weekend and gave it a whirl yesterday and it was awesome! We had such a good time and it really can give you a decent work out. It can also give you a crappy work out though, depending on which options you choose to use for your work out needs.

I haven’t been consistent about using mine, mostly because of the set up of my living room and having to rearrange things everytime I want to play with it but my goal this year is to be more consistent. I just played with it for 30 minutes today. It’s not too strenuous but you can still feel some muscles getting used. I mostly want it for quick at home workouts and tracking progress, I plan to go back to the gym for more intense workouts a few times a week. I upgraded to the plus software, I like having more options.

Even after not using it for a while I got a Wii Fit age that’s 18 years below my actual age, so if I can ignore the comments about my BMI it does boost my ego a little.

I used it again today and really focused on doing the aerobic training and I managed to work up a sweat. Not sweating buckets or anything but it was a good workout. I am really loving that it measures my bmi and my weight and stuff every day and then gives me a line graph showing how well I’m doing.

Not my primary source of exercise but definitely my primary form of weight/BMI tracking. It’s been great for that.

Still don’t have Fit, but a couple of days ago I picked up EA Sports Active. The workouts are pretty decent. I was sweating buckets.

Insufficiently. My little animated balance board mocks me horribly. Of course, I’ve pulled it out for the first time in over a year, so I suppose a little mockery is in order.

Stupid extra 15 pounds from Christmas. Stupid metabolism creep. grumbles

I want a Wii Fit so badly. My best friend has one and loves it, although she doesn’t use it enough.

My sister told me to ask my boyfriend to get me one for my birthday next week but since he’s taking me to Disney, I don’t think I should. A girl can’t have everything after all.
I can’t go to a gym (too far, no car, no money) and we have no exercise equipment so my exercise is limited to walking, which is boring, and exercise videos which are also boring.

I’ll get one eventually.

I did much the same… last winter I used my Wii Fit almost daily and then it just petered off as the weather got warmer. Just last week I got it out again and bought myself the EA Sports Active.

I definitely like using it, and it is a more fun option than going outside to do anything in this cold weather, but I do other exercises in addition to the Wii Fit. I have an elliptical machine, and light weights that I use for strength training. I love using the Wii Fit for yoga. It tracks your balance, so it makes me feel like I’m actually doing the poses correctly. As far as the aerobics, we’ll see how I like the EA Sport Active before I make a final decision on that.