Americans Who Think Differently Than I Do

Let me begin by saying that I know I’m asking for tonnes of abuse by posting this but…


Ass-fuck you all with a multi-spiked steel dick!

You have seen time and time again that this system is corrupt, unworkable, utterly unjust and just plain fucking stupid and yet, morons that you are, you just keep on defending it.

How many people do your corporations need to kill, maim and destroy before you acknowledge that that they, not liberalism or socialism, got you - and the rest of us (THANKS GUYS!!!) - into the mess that we, the rest of this planet’s residents, are now in. Gecko be damned; greed is cancer and you have proven it in spades. But why look at empirical evidence when it is so much easier to blame it on everything but your own congenital stupidity. Then you have the nerve to look with disdain on any country that isn’t imbecile enough to follow blindly after you.

I hope you all enjoy watching “the land of the free and home of the brave” turn into a third world laughing stock as your power and influence spill to the ground like Onan’s seed because you are too fucking lazy and complacent to actualy do anything about it. HAHAHAHAHA!

And while your country, your credibility and your potency sag like a septagenarian’s tits you sit contented to debate: death panels, whether the Bible should be taught as science and of course if your President can legally be president <----hey assholes, the one who preceeded him couldn’t legally be President either, he demonstrably stole at least one election but served eight years anyway and would have served another four at least if you fucking dingleberry’s hadn’t imposed term limits because FDR proved that more than two terms was a travesty. Clinton faced impeachment for a hummer but Bush gets a pass. Good move slugs.

“Oh, but our army kicks ass and we are a kick ass nation because these colours don’t run!” And they don’t, but only because you only fuck with countries whose militaries comprise three planes, a tank and four guns. Your fucking street gangs (that OWN chunks of your cities) are better armed. But at least you never run.

Except for: Korea (a place you had no reason to be), Vietnam (a place you had no reason to be), Iraq ← sorry your objectives were accomplished and so you left with a self-satisfied grin. But like a drunken prick who gets tossed from a party for shitting in the host’s Wii you came back later with friends (oh and what a posse you formed). And you and that posse are about to fuck off again after creating a worse mess than there was to begin with. Oh yeah guys, you’re fucking cool. No really, you are. You are!

And I know how much you hated to see foreigners flying planes into your country and killing 3000 innocent people. I hated it too; 9/11 was a reprehensible act of cowardice.

But I didn’t show my disgust at such actions by sending foreigners in planes (and humvees and tanks and LAVs and Christ knows what else) to their country - sorry a neighbouring innocent country - to kill fucking near 30 times that many innocents. Nor did I deride those countries who chose not to join in the mailce and slaughter.

Your country is a hypocritical sham of what it proports to be, you’re arrgoant without cause, you’re bullies and you’re PROUD of it.

So each and everyone of you backwoods, backwards, slobber-monkeys can eat my ass… I’ll even shave it for you :smiley:

This will not end well.

… k

I don’t think you’re supposed to say “Fuck you” anymore. You’re in for a warning, mister.

And what country are you a citizen of, or a resident in?

Given that he started off by using the word “tonnes,” I’m guessing the UK, Canada, Australia or Rhodesia.

The good news is that America is the best country in the world. That’s also the bad news.

I feel a tugging sensation.

I know. I knew it as I was typing it. I accepted it in advance. It still needed to be said.

Thanks for not tldr :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I thought my location tag was still up but I see that it isn’t. If I’d realized that I would have said it in my OP.

I’m Canadian.

We rock! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy.

If by that you mean I’m looking for some sort of ego-gratification by seeing a bunch of strangers get all pissed by what I said and get off thereby - nope.

If you mean I’m pulling (tugging) the Dope’s collective leg - nope.

I am 100% sincere. I absolutely, without reservation, hate Yankmerica and their behaviour. By extension I’ve nothing but loathing and spite for the fuckwads that defend it.

Okay. I care, deeply about your opinion.

Oh wait, no I don’t.

You know, it’s the strangest thing. Every time I read a post like this from some wanker outside the USA, the only think that comes across is total jealousy and sour grapes about the fact they don’t live in the USA.

Eat your heart out, loser.

Sounds like a Canadian, or possibly a Minnesotan.

See now, that’s just the syrup talking.

After reading the OP, I have come to a staggering and sickening revelation: we are become…
…the French!

Nah. You don’t have the cheese.

The first thing that comes to mind when I read something like the OP is that it’s yet another clueless overgeneralizer who thinks that there are only two ways to think.

Dude, you have absolutely no idea what the average American really is – largely because “average” is a myth. By the way, my tax adviser recommended that I incorporate my bookstore, so I now own one of those corporations you despise so much. Funny, it hasn’t made me want to invade anyone or kill anyone yet. Hmmm. Maybe I just need to give it some time.

And somehow, the fact that I’m a gun-owner hasn’t made me disbelieve in evolution. I have voted for both republicans and democrats - sometimes on the same ballot. I’ve voted for independents, greens, and libertarians, too. I think Bush Jr. and Clinton both should have ended up impeached and removed from office. In the 30+ years since I reached voting age, I haven’t found one single solitary politician that agrees with me 100%. Why is it that I can realize that not all Canadians are alike, but you can’t realize that all of us south of your border aren’t all alike?


It all started when our soldiers started wearing berets.