Making Cooked Oatmeal Taste Better

I love instant oatmeal, but I bought some regular oatmeal, (not the quick oats) and have been trying various things to make it taste better.

So far nothing works, I’ve tried maple syrup, apple sauce, or even plain sugar and I can’t get it to taste good.

I’m thinking perhaps it’s 'cause I’m cooking the oatmeal first then adding the flavouring. Perhaps the oatmeal needs the flavouring to be cooked in?

The cooked oatmeal, doesn’t come close to tasting as good as the instant kind, at least to me. I mean I’ll put the applesauce in but I have to use so much that basically all I’m doing is killing the bland taste of the oats?

Any ideas how to make it better?

Are you making it on the stovetop or microwave? If you are using a microwave you could try the way I have been making it lately: mix oats and water/milk and 3 teaspoons (more or less to taste) of brown sugar, just the tiniest pinch of salt (enhances sweetness) and microwave it for 2 minutes or so (however long you usually do). When it comes out of the microwave stir in a teaspoon or so (more if you like) of vanilla extract. It’s like eating warm oatmeal cookies. :wink:

You could also stir in a bit of maple syrup or toss in some raisins if you were so inclined.

Or if brown sugar is not your thing, you could throw in a handful of berries of your choice and a couple teaspoons of sugar (while it is cooking) then top it with a splash of milk or cream (or not).

Or while you are cooking the oatmeal, use milk (instead of water) and add some banana and sugar, or cinnamon and sugar or any combination thereof…If cooking it with milk, stir often and keep an eye on it to prevent scorching, but it makes it nice and creamy and adds a little oomph to whatever flavors you are using.

I cook it on the stove, so I should be adding flavouring while it cooks not after?

My favorite things to add to oatmeal are honey and raisins (add the raisins in for the last 20-30 seconds of cooking, so they plump a bit), and raspberry jam. Try a spoonful of peanut butter. You can also take the opposite tack, and make it savory, adding things like soy sauce and diced scallions, or poaching an egg in the oatmeal and adding hot sauce.

(Since you aren’t worried about sugar intake…)

In the bowl, add some chocolate chips and walnuts.


Raisins, walnuts, cinnamon and brown sugar make another good combo.

I would, but I am not sure that will make a huge difference with all flavors, although it does with brown sugar and berries. Actually let me change that to “yes, add it while it cooks” since I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be better that way. :slight_smile:

The main difference I think between flavored instant oatmeal packets and regular oatmeal that you flavor yourself is sugar. There is a lot of sugar in those tiny packets, so don’t skimp on that if you want it taste as good. And a pinch of salt helps a lot too (I don’t remember if that is on the box of oatmeal or not and I am too warm to get up and go look. ;))

ETA: I have been meaning to try one variation that I think I read in another thread here…add a tablespoon or so of Nutella to the (already cooked) oatmeal. It’s supposed to be seriously good.

I like blueberries and walnuts in mine.

You need the real thing. The Amish still farm oats and sell steel cut oats. They have a lot more flavor than the stuff Wilford Brimley shills.

You don’t have to mug an Amish guy to get them. :wink: A lot of health food places sell them.

Fry it.

Do it on the stove, then scoop into bowl. Add heaping spoonful of brown sugar, then milk.

Mix and enjoy.

Feed it to a hog. When the hog grows to its full size, you can kill it, butcher it, smoke the belly meat, and cook yerself up some yummy BACON!

Actually, I like the flavor of oatmeal. It prbably has something to to witht eh fact that when I was growing up my mom used to feed us a mush comprising both oatmeal and cornmeal (with sugar sprinkled on top). And when she wanted to give us a treat, she’d open a box of Jell-o and sprinkle that on instead of the sugar.

So I like plain oatmeal with a pat of butter, and some brown sugar. Or cinnamon sugar.

All flavour probably better to add once cooked. I cook my porridge in two ways - water and 2 min in the microwave, or for extra protein and creaminess, with milk for a couple of minutes on the stove (I use rolled oats, can’t find steelcut here).

For flavour, stir in mashed banana and cinnamon, topped with chopped almonds. Or a spoonful of nutella or peanut butter. Sliced banana and date paste is good too. Or if you use protein powder, a scoop of that (but definitely added at the end, as cooking it denatures the protein and makes it foul).

After it’s cooked, stir in a little dark brown sugar. A bit of milk can be used to cool it. And you want oatmeal, not oat soup. Make sure it’s thick.

Add a little bit of salt with whatever else you flavor it with, even if you’re making it sweet. The instant kind usually has a bit added, and it makes a big different in flavor.

For a non-sweet option:

Toast the oatmeal - put it in the pot you’re going to cook it in, and turn on the heat without adding water. Babysit it, and toss it around frequently because it burns quickly. When it’s toasted, add water & salt. Once it’s cooked, stir in some butter, and top with poached eggs, and whatever else you’d put with toast & eggs, like cheese.

Mix it with vanilla soy milk instead of water and add frozen berries - then cook!

Cook for 5 minutes (with a pinch of salt), let stand covered for 5 minutes, then some butter and dark brown sugar. Yum!

This is what I came in to post. Salt will bring out a lot of flavor and improve it in general. Start out with a very small amount, see if it helps, and increase it gradually if need be.

I’ll echo what MitzeKatze and badbadrubberpiggy and Ferret Herder said about adding some salt. You won’t believe what a difference that makes.

Do you soak the oats overnight?

The next morning, instead of cooking them only in water, try equal parts water and milk.

When they’re done, I add a pat of butter, some brown sugar, and some raisins or dried cranberries and stir it all up. I love it!

Honey. . .is that you?
It’s a little freaky to see someone describe exactly what you do. I’ll have to make sure I wear my robe.

I pick blueberries when they are in season (or buy them) then freeze them in little ziplock snack bags. Mmmmmmm.

Dogzilla’s Rockin’ Oatmeal.

Start with steel cut oats. Toast them in the oven or in a dry frying pan until they just begin to brown. 1/4 cup of oats is one serving for me. Then I’ll use about a cup of milk and bring that to just before barely boiling. Add honey or brown sugar, dried blueberries, toasted walnuts or pecans, and 1/2 teaspoon of cardomom or cinnamon.