Men, have you ever gotten a bad blowjob?

Inspired by this thread, as if it weren’t obvious.

For obvious reasons, the minors among us are encouraged to stop reading here and perhaps open a thread about – um – Twilight, I guess.


Absolutely. I enjoy good oral congress as much as the next guy, but I’ve honestly had BJs where I couldn’t feel anything.

Enthusiasm is 99% of the job.

Enthusiasm is no good without some control. A few years ago, I was on the receiving end of someone who probably could literally suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. I was purple for a few days afterward. :eek:

Who is Chloe?

Anyway I made the 2nd vote - in both senses. And anyone who hasn’t had a bad blowjob, probably hasn’t had enough…

Dunno, haven’t had one.

So, whoever the lucky lady is who get to be my first* can guarantee from me as it won’t be my worst (as I’ve had nothing to compare it too) - but neither will it be my best.

  • yes I’m married, but wife doesn’t seem to go for either giving or recieving. Shame, that.

I’ve never ever ever been able to get off from a BJ. And I’ve had about 15 women try. I still can’t figure out how anybody can. There’s just not that much stimulation! So seeing as how they’re basically no better than being fondled, I voted “mostly bad”.

I’d say somewhere between a few and half. Not quite half. Sometimes the quality even varies from the same giver. And I’m not such a quitter that I wouldn’t try and coach a girl who is really giving it an effort but just lacks the technique. I do think that some people are just naturals, though others can be taught.

Was there a similar poll around here regarding cunnilingus?

Judging from I just read in the thread over here and the subject of this one, Chloe Sevigny.

She a girl in a trainwreck of a movie called The Brown Bunny, which is an hour and a half of a guy driving in a van with a (real/unsimulated) blowjob in the middle of it.


[spock] Fascinating. [/spock]

However, there is such a thing as doing it in such a way that stimulation is minimal. Best way I explain it is that when some women do it, their tongue runs off and hides somewhere so that the lips are trying to do all the work.

I voted the 2nd choice. Bad BJ’s do occur, but definitely the minority. Wife gave me my first bj after 2 weeks of dating. It was good, but did not get me off. Later, I was able to get off just from bj’s.

Second woman to give me one was very good, but the intercourse far exceeded the oral.

Third woman was very bad because she lacked any experience or enthusiasm. Also, she couldn’t open her mouth very wide for an extended time–I’m quite large. She got much better and would gladly do it later on. She was a college student and we would meet in the campus library for lunch sometimes and a few times she gave me a bj just for the heck of it. She gave me several to completion and would occasionally finish me off with one after intercourse.

Fourth woman is the best I’ve ever had. Fortunately, that relationship is continuing and I’m a lucky guy!

This pretty much describes my blow-job past too. With enough simultaneous hand stimulation I believe I could have gotten off, but none of the women seemed to know this. :smiley:
I know, I should have opened up my big fat mouth.

Recently, a woman was unable to bring me to orgasm by giving me head. It was not a positive experience, let me tell you.

I never orgasmed from a blowjob until I met my wife but some of the previous attempts were still good times if only as foreplay. But I used to have a relationship with a girl who treated it as such a chore and she was doing me such a favor that it really wasn’t enjoyable. That and she had no technique either (probably as a result of her attitude towards it).

Maybe it was a chore for her but she sure as hell wasn’t doing me any favors.

It’s not something I like much, too intense when it does work, monotonous and afraid I’ll pee when it doesn’t. I enjoy giving oral to her far more.

I voted #2 really only because of one woman. I don’t know what the deal was but she could not get her teeth out of the way. She didn’t appear to have an overbite or anything wrong but Christ it was really painful.
I didn’t say anything to her because she was really nice and was genuinely trying to please me so I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. The reason I didn’t switch to intercourse was that she didn’t enjoy sex while on her period so the little guy just had to endure it.

Unlucky in never having one to completion.

My ex hated oral on either side of the equation.

So, for both women, why did you (both) let her keep doing it?