Guitar Straps too short

I’m kind of a big guy, 6’4" and a bit husky. :slight_smile: I find most guitar straps hold my electric guitar a bit too high, but I can’t get the strap any longer.

I like my acoustic guitar a bit higher but when I’m just rocking out with power chords on my guitar, I like it a bit lower. I play a Strat copy with a strap button on the top horn and another at the bottom of the guitar.

What are some of the more ingenious ways you’ve seen to make guitar straps longer?

Well, Johnny Ramone taped two straps together. Jimmy Page fans like me look to see whether we can punch a lower hole in the leather to get another inch or two.

I am 6’3" and play low - if the guitar doesn’t cover my “boys” when I play, how can I rock?? :D;). I buy Franklin Straps from Guitar Center - typically around $40 - $50 so on the high side of a basic leather strap (yes, some straps are far pricier - but it’s just a *strap *fercrissake!) but the leather is really soft and comfortable. When I have one at full length it is just about perfect for me in terms of positioning a solidbody electric in a good low spot…

How do you guys feel about strap locks? The bottom of my strap (cheap, came with guitar) always falls off the guitar when I pick it up. What is a ‘good’ strap to you?

Do you want a leather strap? Vinyl? Woven dernier?

I use the Planet Waves woven dernier straps because I like the old sliding shoulder pad they used to make. It lets the strap slide thru the pad, so your shoulder doesn’t get rubbed raw.

I also a tall guy, but I play with the guitar practically across my chest, like a demented pissed off Andalusian guitarist. I know that I have rigged them so low that the guitar was below waist level, tho. I just can’t play well like that.

If you want a leather strap, consider going to Tandy Leather and making your own. I have a friend who did that, and he was pretty happy with his custom strap.

I… want it not to fall off when I pick up my guitar. And not to chafe too much.
I dunno, are there other concerns?

I think Bo was speaking to the OP.

Speaking to you, E-Sabs, here’s my take on strap locks: use these or something like them. That’s a link to a Dunlop plastic lock - you fit it over the strap pin when it already has the strap in place, twist it and it locks the strap onto the pin. No extra drilling, easy to put on and take off. One of the guys I respect a lot who has ~14 1958 - 1960 Les Paul Sunbursts uses these when he takes one of those $300,000 guitars out - that’s good enough for me ;).

I check most guitar stores I go into for their particular brand/version of these and buy 1 or 2 for $5 a pair…

Josh Homme?!? :smiley:

Actually, there might be an idea in that. Check out a well-appointed website for a large guitarist, find the gear forum or threads, and try to find out what they use. (BTW, Homme’s currently in Them Crooked Vultures, but I’m sure you knew that.)

No, I’m not Josh Homme. I saw him on SNL a couple of months back when Queens of the Stone Age played. Or was it Them Crooked Vultures? Either way, he was a big guy. But not me. :smiley:

I’ve got a bunch of straps that I like already. I have one strap that I particularly like, it looks like SRV’s strap in this picture. I like that it is wide, but I’d like to get my electric lower like Stevie has in that picture. The strings are pretty much even with my bellybutton.

I kinda like the strap lock in WordMan’s post. I can use a shoe string with a small loop at the end to go over the strap button and then the lock should keep it on there. That’s only $4 compared to $50 or so. It’s not like I’m going to be on stage or anything, I’m just going to be rockin my living room. :smiley:

Wordman, that’s exactly what I want. Thank you! All the other strap lock variants I saw seems to involve taking the pegs out.

You know, I’m tempted to call this spam, but I won’t. Howdy, neighbor. Welcome to the Dope, pull up a chair. You might be interested in the Great Ongoing Guitar Thread, in which I continue to fetishize GFS and Rondo, cause they’re cheap and pretty darn good, and we explore the wide world of guitars.

Why don’t you tell us a little bit about Strapworks, and what got you into making guitar straps?