"I'll Show You How To Make Your Electric Meter Run Backwards"

Have y’all seen this guy’s commercial?

He was on AMC a couple of early mornings ago, and this is what he said as he was hawking a book on saving money or “living green”.

Now I know that meters are on their way out, if not gone completely, right, so I’m wondering if I should take him literally because I once heard many years ago, that if you set a small bag of ice cream salt on top of a meter, it would slow it down?

If he is serious, then wouldn’t that come under the heading of theft of services, or is it the same as internet bomb-making instructions.



Assuming he’s serious, it wouldn’t be theft of services. More likely his book will tell you to install solar panels on your roof and sell energy back to the electric company. That’ll be $39.95.

Yea if you generate your own juice, more then you use, you sell it back to the power company in many locations. The meter actually runs backwards if juice ends up flowing the other way.

Flipping it upside down will also reverse the current, from the meters perspective, getting the same effect, but not recommend.

The important thing to remember is one way is good for the environment, and the other way is very good for getting a honeymoon with Bubba at the county hotel.

Last I heard, they were legally required to buy it back at the standard rate if you fed energy into the grid. That was, admittedly, about 10 years ago.

I seriously doubt that turning the meter upside down down causes it to run backwards.

This is regulated on a state-by-state basis, and most states don’t have reasonable “net metering” laws.

IIRC ANAL OMGWTFBBQ but last I knew it varied by state.

Could you install a capacitor in the line before the meter, take the phase angle down to close to 0, then put another capacitor after the meter to take it back up, and steal electricity that way?

My meter runs backwards during the day, and forwards at night - I have solar.

For the last two months I have made money on my electrical system.

We were looking into something like this for our house.

How are you going to explain the two SUV-sized capacitors?

What capacitors? Those were there when I moved in. I swear I’ve never seen those before.

Would it work, assuming I could hide the caps?


But don’t you have two meters? It is my understanding one meter records the amount of power you use off the grid and the second meter records the amount of power you feed back to the grid, with the difference being the net gain to you?

This isn’t my area of expertise, but:

  1. I think you want to put a monster inductor in series, not a capacitor.
  2. I don’t think it’s possible to put the meter out of phase, and then put the house loads in-phase. Maybe by putting the inductor before the meter, and a huge capacitor after it.

Now tell me how to get my water meter to run backwards!

Get some duct tape.

Drink lots of beer.

Pee really hard.


Umm, can I run a tab?:slight_smile:

Boy if I did, I’d owe y’all big-time!:smiley:

I think it’s ironic that I can ask the dumbest questions and still get a whole long line full of answers!:smack:
