"Stop running this script"?

Several times over the past week I’ve gotten that message in a pop-up box from Windows Internet Explorer.

The full text is:

A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.

And then there are yes and no boxes to select.

Often after I say “Yes” the message goes away, and then reappears a couple seconds later. I’ve had to say “Yes” at least three times on occasions before it stops appearing.

Is this anything to worry about? I was wondering if it just related to some ad, and just continuing to say ‘yes’ is all I need to do.

This message is only appearing when I visit the Dope, btw.

Could definitely be an ad. Is there any ad (or type of ad) that they have in common?

Also, can you try out another browser, and see if you get the same problem?

Hope I’m not overstepping my bounds by trying to help. Just tell me, mods.

Try some of the suggestions here:


I wonder if this is related to the ActiveX that I can’t run on my work computer, giving me that yellow drop down bar at the top of every page I visit on the SDMB.

Some ads may use ActiveX. However, the SDMB will function fine even with ActiveX disabled on your browser.


I’m afraid I didn’t pay attention to which ads showed up at that time, I’ll do better next time.

I don’t have any other browser installed on this computer.

Checking out the stuff on the page Xash linked to, I found that the internet security option indeed are ‘custom’ rather than ‘default.’ But the computer came with these settings (I didn’t know they existed, so clearly I didn’t tinker with them) so I’m leery of playing about with them.

I think I’ll wait a bit and try to see if it’s a particular ad doing it, first.

Actually, the proper box to click is “no”. It’s asking you if you want to keep running the script. Clicking yes is telling it to keep trying. You don’t need what it’s trying to do, so tell it “no” to stop it. Then it won’t keep popping back up.

Uh, really? Because the question at the top of the box is “Stop running the script?” and I thought “Yes” would mean stop running.

Reporting in: Just got that “Stop running this script?” message box again. I’d just clicked on the “Found my brother-in-law’s diary” thread in MPSIMS. The only visible (to me?) ad on the page is for “Solar Energy Charity.”

In case Cheshire Human is right, this time I tried clicking No. The message box reappeared. I clicked No. The message box reappeared. I clicked No. The message box reappeared a fourth time! So I gave up and clicked Yes. The message came back. A second click on ‘Yes’ – and finally the message box didn’t come back.


Added: Should have said before: W7, Internet Explore 7 I think.

That may be your problem right there – IE7 is conflicting with Windows 7, I bet.

Can you upgrade your browser?

Oops. My mistake – I actually have IE8. I couldn’t find the ‘Help/About’ tab last night, I’d forgotten about turning of the command toolbar.

(Sorry, I have a bit of dysnumeria. I have trouble remembering numbers, transpose digits, etc.)

Checking back in very late after the last post on this thread, but I didn’t check back at a reasonable time after my post, so I hope I’m not “bumping” this thread unreasonably.

I’m using Firefox 2.xxxx and Winblows 2000. I don’t read the warning that shows up, anymore, and haven’t for several years. “No” is what I should answer when those symptoms show up, but I haven’t read what the warning message is in years. “Yes” may be the appropriate response for your browser/OS combination. My answer should have said “try clicking on the other choice, whatever it is, and see if that works better”.

Apparently, it didn’t, so my “answer” was not useful. Sorry. I was just throwing out suggestions that might (or might not) be helpful, based on my experience with the OS/Browser combinations I’ve actually used. YMMV… :frowning: