iPhone iOS 4 has an "Opt-Out" for iAd hidden in the EULA

For those of us that HATE ads, and were hesitating upgrading to iOS4 because of the iAd app/portion of the OS/whatever, I found out that there is indeed an Opt-Out clause to tell Apple to NOT send iAds to your iPhone

You need to install iOS4, and then go to the following URL from within the iPhone browser;


You have to do it from each iPhone that’s running iOS4, but it should opt you out of the program

See why it’s GOOD to read the ELUA? this was hidden 3/4 of the way down in the EULA

More info on the Opt-Out process

That’s a very cool thing to know. THank you.

Just to be clear, you can only opt out of the personalization of ads based on your private usage data:

Although if you’re just worried about your privacy, pretty legitimately, it’s a really nice link.

I should have clarified in my OP that the opt out is for personalization/tracking cookies, not to opt out of ads completely, someone needs to make an app for that…

Fuzzy is right on this one, it just stops the “targeting” not the ads themselves

I’ve been researching that as well, since iOS is based off a trimmed down OS X, there has to be a hosts file in it somewhere (probably in /etc) but the secret is getting to it and modifying it without jailbreaking the iPhone…

Very cool.

Nice find. Worked fine on my iTouch.

Thank you for that, however, there is another little piece we should all know. There is a permission to use your location data to improve services, but no explanations of where that data is stored ( it is supposed to be anonymous).

I’ve got an iPhone 3GS and installed the version 4 update yesterday, but when I tried to enter this page in Safari on the phone, it tells me that it’s unsuccessful because I’m not running IOS4. Any idea why it’s not working?

And how do I turn off the background image? It’s really kind of annoying to have the globe under my icons.

The same thing happened to me last night on my 3G but it worked earlier today.

The link worked for me, and I’m also running a 3GS

to change the wallpaper (there’s no plain black background for the home screen anymore);
tap on the wallpaper icon
tap on either the wallpaper or camera roll button
choose your wallpaper/photo
adjust image size by pinching/zooming/scrolling
tap “set”
choose where you want it displayed, lock screen or home screen

Thanks. I was trying to figure out how to return to a blank background. So I took a picture while covering the camera lens, and used the resulting solid black photo as the background.
