Kevin Kline on The Colbert Report 7/27/10

Video from the Colbert Nation website here.

I think it was one of the most fun interviews I’ve seen Colbert do in a while. I really enjoy it when every now and again he seems to just play. It’s also fun when you get a guest who can not only hold his own against Colbert, but actually get him to crack up.

I thought at the beginning Kline seemed a bit uptight, but he really loosened up by the end. Be sure to watch through the end for his Falstaff.

Posting to bump. This is well worth watching.

Two of my crushes in one interview?! Cannot miss.

The recent interview with Steve Carell just before the show went on vacation was better, but the Kline interview was great. I expect that they rehearsed or at least planned that simultaneous recital before the show, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it really was spontaneous.

I may have to sneak off to a quiet spot at work to watch this one.

I don’t know - something about the dynamic of it seemed pretty unrehearsed to me. I assume Colbert rehearsed it himself pre-show, although he seems like enough of a geek that this could just be one of those things filed away in his brain for exactly the right occasion.

One of the comments suggested that its a common diction exercise for actors. I think that it wasn’t rehearsed, that Colbert assumed that Kline would be familiar with it because of his background.


I saw him as Falstaff.