Can we all just agree...

That we have just been being hosed by folks with money and power for many, many decades.

And not just in this country.

In Every country and on Every Continent.

AMERICANS are ‘Special’ of course, because their Government has the BIG GUNS.

Still…no “Trilateral Commission” …no ‘Secret’ stuff…

Just folks and connections to folks with lots and lots and lots and lots of dollars and connections to other folks with the same…

…sit…and talk…and “assess” “WHAT TO DO” with the populations the world over.

Where to turn. Where to twist. Where to be a ‘cheerleader.’

ANYthing. EVERYthing. Whatever it takes to keep the slaves in India and China and Russia and Tawain to keeeeeeeep believing that , They, ‘One Day Too’…can

(As it HAS worked in America for decades.)

He he he.

It HAS worked to keep EARNING for the top 1% the world over.

These DIPSHITS the world over whose BILLIONS of dollars of Wealth requires of us to to wonder…just how many hours of work per year brought them this wealth.

He he he… Mostly…NONE.

And YET… from one form of Government to another…they are able to pit one slavish wage-earner against another and crank about the ‘form of
Government, or the Continent or the freakin’, stupid Political Party in the United States…

It matters not.

WE are the folks who provide the LABOR to earn WEALTH.

Freakin’ forget about WALL STREET.

Let them play.

When people quit producing… the ‘Money Game’ is done.


Not a General Question. Not a question at all, really. Moved to the Pit with the other rants.

I’m going to hazard a guess that the only thing this message board can agree on is that you are the single worst post-writer EVER.

Not the content. This MB has had racists, sexists, Cesario, and Jack Dean Tyler.

It’s your formatting and way of expressing yourself. Jesus christ it’s terrible.

Learn to write.

He/she/it’s not the worst poster. I’m the worst poster!

Sorry, that made too much sense. You’re disqualified.

To be fair, the content is shitty too.

Yeah! We, the workers, earn the wealth. Which we then turn over to a multi-national but first-world-only shadowy super group. Who then use this wealth to continue convincing us to earn money for them.

The worst part is, they won’t let us take home any left over cheese cubes from their Screw the Proletariat meetings.

So you actually get the point of the OP? Dude, you are way ahead of me. I do agree she/he/it (shit?) is the worst at formatting.

OP, can you summarize your rant into one coherant sentence for me? Seriously I’m just not getting anything except you hate everyone who has guns, control and money.

The Rich are screwing over the rest of us, and we should really stop letting them.

Where does the Illuminatti fit in?

Another one-trick pony. :yawn:

Not until we know what you want us to agree to, no.

As much as the OP is a dense, incoherent nutbag this essential premise may actually have some merit. Of course, he/she still hasn’t figured out that the “top 1%” of the world is really a very low bar from the context of a middle-class American’s point-of-view (and most middle class Americans are in the top 1% wealthiest. I think we figured out in the last thread that the salary threshold for being in the top 1% was around $50k).

I think he’s confusing claims that the top few percent of Americans has most of America’s wealth, and ruining the statistic by extending that to the whole planet. The top 1% of Americans is of course not “a very low bar” for middle class Americans.

Maybe. But it would be nice to hear the OP say as much in a meaningful way.

NOT a very “low bar” ?

Europe. Scandinavia. Spain. North, South, Central AMERICA.

Have they ALL somehow agreed to make ‘slaves’ out of the poorer countries.
(FOR THE “Bottom Line” of course…because THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.)

ACCCrRRRooss the Wooooooorld…

WE have BILLIONS of laborers who are willing to work for 30-cents/hr.


Don’t you DARE press us!

We WILL go into Second and Third-World countries and get ‘laborers’ to do what we want them to do for pennies-on-the-dollar for what you greedy assholes ask.

Ha! We’ve already done so.

Who gives a flyin’ rip about a ‘Country’ or a ‘Form of Government’ or Socialism or Nationalism or Communism or Socialism or Democracy…

MY mandate, as an officer in a Multi-National Corporation is to get the cheapest labor there is on this planet.

To get the most $ for my product that conditiions will allow.

Screw YOU, The ‘United States of America.’

I hold allegiance to making MONEY. For my Company. And that holds no allegiance to ANY Government or any Political philosophy…just to (squirrely, squirrely, squirrely)…CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS, OR ANY OTHER THING THAT GENERATES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

We are the Lords of the Universe.

Respect us.

Admit it, American Voters: even “Democracy” cannot stop us.

We WILL make $$.

We have ‘Bought’ your government. (And every other thaat matters…)

Just keep working…producing…whoever you are…WHERE ever you are…

Because, of course…your life has no meaning whatever if you are not producing.


(Excuse us while we ‘privatize’ the Military, Social programs, Prisons

You are subnormal. This is a place for people of average intelligence and above. You should go.

Didn’t LG used to have posts than this? It’s really reading like conspiracy nonsense now, but I could have sworn he used to be a valuable (if infrequent) contributor.

I’m honestly worried about him. (Granted, just a little.)

So that would be no to a one sentence summation, right?

I think we can all agree that vague thread titles are annoying as fuck, in addition to all agreeing that the OP couldn’t string a coherent sentence together if someone paid him to, which they wouldn’t, because he’s a moron. I even checked to see if all of the all-caps words together made up something intelligible, or the first letter of every sentence, but no. Sigh.