In Which State was George W. Bush Born

If you have to look it up, please don’t bother. Names won’t be published. Just give it your best honest stab at, and please, do not tell us in this thread. Lets just find out how knowledgeable we are as a group.

Don’t tell you in this thread?

Oh, I see. A poll.

Can’t do it. Had to look it up. I was right but I won’t be naughty.

Common knowledge around here.

Where’s Mexico on the poll?

I admit, before I looked at the possible poll answers, I guessed wrong.
Thank goodness for multiple choice (Right general geographical area - wrong state).

I knew when I read the thread title. Looks like I’m in good company.

It’s one of the typical passive-aggressive facts that pose as trivia questions but actually criticize GWB.

Here’s more: How many times did GWB fail the bar exam?
While using what substance was GWB given a DUI ticket?
What was GWB’s Dad’s position when he pulled strings to get GWB into the National Guard?

Which of these things nearly killed GWB, sending him to the hospital?
a. a pretzel
b. the Viet Cong
c. syphillis
d. terrorists

Which of these embarrassing faux pas did GWB NOT commit?
a. Gave a shoulder massage to the prime minister of another country on TV.
b. Tried to leave through fake stage doors during a speech.
c. Gave Vladmir Putin a playful nickname that means “vagina” in Russian.
d. Accidentally said something embarrassingly ignorant about black people.

…but wait, how do we know he was born in the US? He seems to speak a little too much Spanish, if you ask me.

How so?

How is being born in Connecticut a criticism?

It makes Connecticut look bad?

Aha, I know this one. It’s a trick question. JFK Jr. is the one who kept goofing up the bar exam.

IMHO, you would probably catch more people off guard if you had made Maine one of the choices.

All hat and no cattle?

I’m wondering how many people cheated. Maybe I’m just bitter: I would have thought Texas.

At the risk of being whooshed, is the answer zero because he never took the bar exam? Bush has an MBA not a law degree.

I don’t judge people much for mistakes made early in life. He did great on his pilot’s exam.

Yeah, so great he ran his boat straight into a Japanese ship.

Oh, wait . . . wrong JFK, wrong kind of pilot.

Never mind.

It helps if you know that his father was attending Yale at the time. He did pretty much grow up in Texas.