what is this message?

I’ve found this on Reddit and can’t solve it. I hope it isn’t obscene.

I sabotoged the link just in case it is.

can some one help me out with what it is saying?

It doesn’t look obscene to me, so I went ahead and fixed the link tag. I’ll break it again if there’s an issue.

I can’t figure out what the heck it’s supposed to say.

Print it out and hold the paper so that it is nearly horizontal to your eyes.

I tried it and it worked. Also squinting helped too.

Yes. And when you can read it, you still have to figure out what the hell it means.

As cmosdes said, hold the paper so it is horizontal. Read it with the bottom closest to your eyes and read toward the top. Then, turn it 90-degrees counterclockwise (anti-clockwise for those of you following along in the UK and environs) and read that section (basically, the left-to-right portion).

The resulting message is:

(Bottom to top): At first you only see
(Left to right): then somebody helps

Try a few more rotations.

At first you only see
Weird shapes and lines
Then somebody helps
And a miracle happens.

Here are four versions of the image, each squished down to 25% of normal in each of four directions:

Squish 1
Squish 2
Squish 3
Squish 4

The resulting text has already been posted upthread…