Is your birthday in November?

Poll coming…

I thought this was going to have a Yes or No option.

Me, too. Maybe somebody will do one for December. I could get into that one. I have two relatives who could play in this one, but one is dead.

Go Scorpios!

We had a thread a while ago called something like “A Doper a Day?” to see if we could fill a whole calendar. It may even have been before polling. I wish it could’ve been in this format 'cause I think that would be pretty.

My mom’s birthday is today, but she is not a Doper. I think. I really hope not. Oy.

Not only is mine at the end, but four people in his family have birthdays this month. Two of them we just send cards and money to, but the other two are small children, so I just shipped out some books to them. People must fuck a lot in March.

Or mid-February.

And Sagittariuses!, Sagittari?

Who’s the other Nov 2 baby?

Hey WhyNot…! Fellow 26er!


(It’s an open poll.)

It was pretty funny on the 1st – I told a coworker that it was OK if she wanted to wish me a happy birthday. She looked a little surprised then told me that hers was the next day.

I’ve met three boys who just turned three. The son of Gavin was born on the 1st, Gavin was born on the 2nd, and Gavin was born on the 3rd.

Hey, I was born on the 2nd too and my name is…not Gavin.

My dad turns 60 today!

Here’s an article and some footage of his first week in Cleveland :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m going too go ahead and guess more than a couple of us were conceived on valentine’s day.
(Nov 13 here.)

Harrumph. :stuck_out_tongue:

Woo-hoo! Saturday birthday this year, which means it’s far enough from Thanksgiving that we might get CAKE (instead of pumpkin pie with a candle in it)! :smiley:

It’s me :smiley: (I know **tdn **beat me to it, but hey, its *my *birthday!)

I wonder if that ever bothered my brother. He’s never complained about it. (AFAIR he’s gotten cake even the day after Thanksgiving.)

Actually I like getting pumpkin pie for my birthday. This year a new friend of mine here in Sweden made one from scratch, never having tried making one before.

It was delicious. Especially with a little raspberry jam.

A few years ago I was hanging out at a friend’s house on a Friday night. He had gotten his hands on some pumkins of an unusual variety (they had yellow flesh) and was unsure of what to do with them. Then he remembered that my birthday was either coming up or just past, so he got out a cookbook and whipped up a pie.

It was awesome!