Can helicopters fly upside down?

I know planes can manage it, but can a helicopter?

Some can, some can’t.

The old UH-1 that I grew up with could not. The rotors were attached to the hub in such a way that if you turned it upside down Bad Things would happen. The UH-60 Blackhawk can and does fly just fine upside down.

It depends on what you mean by “upside down”. I don’t know that it would be physically possible for a helicopter to fly upside down with negative g, that is, with the force of gravity acting toward the top of the rotor system. However, there are a number of helicopters that can perform loops and rolls and such manoeuvres that included inverted flight but the g forces are maintained toward the bottom of the helicopter due to centrifugal forces.

Well, RC Helicopters can. The video starts out a little slow, but then it really…uh… takes off.