Open Presents Christmas Eve or Morning?

Please cast your vote, and give your geographical region, eg. midwest, southeast, etc…, as well as religious affiliation if you like.

I’m just trying to see how the lines are drawn.

I was raised Baptist in Indiana, and we opened presents from each other on Christmas Eve, and of course Santa brought presents overnight for opening the next morning.

My Catholic wife (Florida) always opened everything Christmas morning, which of course is blasphemy, and simply points out a lack of understanding, class, and taste.

What say you, good people?

One on Christmas Eve (the pajamas, natch), the rest on Christmas morning. No Santa in my house–no way I’m letting that jolly fat elf bastard take the credit for my hard work. :wink:

Midwest US.

Not a poll?

Okay, I pick Christmas Eve. I live in the Southeast, but am originally from Germany where that is traditional.

If my American-born grandson is staying with us, then his main ones are opened the next morning although he does also take part in the Eve festivities.



Geez, you guys are impatient.:stuck_out_tongue:

Your poll awaits…

In my family, it was always one on Christmas Eve, and the rest on Christmas morning.

I grew up Catholic in upstate New York. We opened one present before bed Christmas Eve (usually from an out-of-town relative), then when we woke up we could open our stockings. Everything else had to wait until after breakfast when the grandparents came over.
I raised my kids in Georgia sans religion. We also opened one gift (usually jammies) the night before, then everything else the next morning, then went to my parents’ where they opened further presents.

Grew up in the Midwest. We have a family holiday party with my dad’s side of the family on Christmas Eve. We draw names for each other, so we each get a present to open Christmas Eve. The kids also get new jammies on Christmas Eve. Everything else is opened Christmas morning.

This year we are celebrating with Mr.Q’s family a few days before Christmas, so things are going to be very spread out.

One on Christmas Eve that my mother chose, the rest in the morning.

One Christmas Eve, the rest in the morning.

For us it was always in the morning.

As a kid (I grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore), we opened one on Christmas Eve that Mom selected. Usually, when we were very young, it was something designed to keep us busy that night when we couldn’t sleep (paper dolls, coloring books, etc), and when we got older, pajamas.

As an adult, my kids are allowed to open one on Christmas Eve (that I select), but I don’t open any of mine until Christmas morning.

Christmas morning. How can you open them on Christmas Eve? Santa hasn’t been yet!

Well I’m not a Christian, but the correct answer is Christmas morning. My old man used to stand guard all night, to make sure we didn’t run into the living room and open our presents at midnight on some technicality.

Us (12:00am): Can we open our presents now?
Pa: No.
Us: But it’s Christmas!
Pa: No.

Us (1:30am): Can we open our presents now?
Pa: No.

Us (2:45am): Now can we open our presents?
Pa: Will you kids go to bed already?!

This went on until I think 6:00 or so. At the time, I thought I was literally going to die if I didn’t open my presents then and there, but now I look on those memories fondly.

When I grew up, it was always first thing in the morning. But in my husband’s family, they have dinner, then do the gifts some time in the afternoon.

My family opening gifts was not unlike a shark feeding frenzy - papers being torn and flung, people randomly yelling “thank you” and Mom trying to keep the gifts separated from the trash paper. It would all be over in about 15 minutes.

With the inlaws, it’s one gift at a time, and everyone watches as the recipient opens it. Most agonizing would be when my father in law would get out his pocket knife and cut the tape, then unfold the paper ever-so-neatly… my daughter would just about lose her mind with impatience! Gift opening would last 2 hours or more.

My daughter hates spending Christmas at my side of the family - it’s just too crazy. This year, we’ll be with the inlaws.

The wife & I are not exchanging gifts this year; we are going on vacation and have already delivered presents to the homes of the children in our lives. So while it’s not a live issue for me, I much prefer to wait till Christmas morning. I was unique among my siblings in being able to wait, and NOT insisting on getting up at 4 a.m. or whatever to do so. I hate that.

Christmas Eve should be for communal wrapping, delivering the last fo the presents, and drinking hot chocolate. Exchange presents in the morning.

Christmas Eve, as baby Jesus demands.

Family gifts get opened when family is actually around. Mom and Dad would sit around with aunts and uncles and drink their wine or whatever while they watched the kids play with their new toys. What sense does it make to wait until everyone went home to open the present from them? And what fun would it be if my relatives opened their new tie or paperweight from me if I wasn’t there to see the ecstasy that my well-thought-out gift bestowed upon them?

The jolly elf didn’t show up until after we were in bed. If he heard kids were awake when he came by, he skipped our house, so I was always in bed with my eyes squeezed shut by 10:00 pm. I wasn’t going to risk it!

Family tonight, Santa by first light.

OK, I’m in the UK, but I’m so not getting this.

Christmas Eve is, by definition, not Christmas. It’s the day before.

Santa hasn’t been yet.

Jesus hasn’t been born yet.

Do you open your birthday presents the day before your birthday?

Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand that customs are different. But when I was growing up, Christmas presents were for Christmas morning. And they still are.

You people must either not have any in-laws, or your families are seriously far-flung–we’ve always had to do both and then some to fit everybody in.

Up until I got married it was Dad’s cousin Christmas Eve late afternoon/early evening, then on to paternal Grandpa’s for the rest of the night. Santa and all that jazz at home Christmas morning, then to maternal grandparents for the day, and aunt’s for the evening.

These days it’s our stuff at home the night before Christmas Eve (best thing we have ever done, btw), Christmas Eve after we get off work with his family, then drive out to my family Christmas morning. Mom and Dad’s for breakfast, Grandma’s for lunch, aunt’s for dinner.

My family spends hours opening gifts. We even take a break so we can have breakfast. I LOVE it!

My husbands family rips everything open in 15 minutes or less. I really don’t like it. I spend a lot of time and put a lot of thought in to each gift - I want to see their reaction!

One gift after Midnight Mass, then the rest in the morning.

Although my mother was always so excited she’d beg us to open one present each night for about a week before Christmas. “Don’t you kids want to open just one…??” She’d been known to wake us up Christmas morning because she couldn’t wait an more.