If I'm pulled over when carrying a piñata, on what grounds can the officer legally break it open?

Is it within my rights to insist that he wear a blindfold?

(borrowed from: http://www.quora.com/Legal-Advice/If-I-am-pulled-over-while-transporting-a-piñata-in-my-vehicle-on-what-grounds-could-the-officer-legally-break-open-the-piñata)

Maybe if it’s the cop’s birthday?
I got nuthin…

I tee-hee’d on longPath’s reply…

But more specifically, probable cause comes into play here. Same as searching your ass. Location is likely to have an influence - “oh… you’re bringing in a pinata from Mexico, huh? Darn, I wish I was allowed to search pinatas…” :smiley: