Donald Trump for President?

Stranger things have happened.

Let me just speak as a journalist…

And if there’s anything he knows about, it’s bankruptcy.

It’s not going to happen. Trump “considers” running every election cycle because he loves the press to cover his comments as if he could win (highly unlikely). It’s just ego gratification.

You have to be kidding me. Who’s next? Arnold Schwarzannager? Bill Gates?

Also Mr. Trump regard the PRC as an enemy and apparently advocates stringent tariffs against it.

Wouldn’t you just love to see Trump and Palin battle it out in the primaries though?

Arnold is constitutionally ineligible to be president, and Bill has proven to be a far better businessman than Trump. Actually, given the Republican prediliction for successful businessmen as political candidates, I’d expect them to fall all over Gates.

So, you feel that supporting the economy of the PRC is more important that supporting the economy of the USA?

Gates has donated slightly more money to Democrats than Republicans, and he’s also the largest single donor to family planning-related charities (read: abortion providers). Never gonna happen.

Trump’s not going to run for anything for the same reason that Howard Stern never ran for governor, those pesky financial disclosure statements the candidates are required to file.

Well, yeah, plus he doesn’t scream bloody murder about paying taxes.

Didn’t he also support the proposal to introduce an income tax in Washington State?

Oh, man, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report would never run out of jokes.

It was to introduce an income tax, but with a corresponding reduction in property taxes. So sort of.

Bill lacks the charisma to win the votes necessary. Donald would have a better chance.

Less charisma that Donald Trump. I don’t care how rich you are, a comment like that has got to hurt.

On the other hand, think of all the amazing shit we’d need to invent to work out a feasible way to chisel that quiff into Mount Rushmore. It’d be the best thing to happen to science since the Apollo missions.

And who is going to be his running mate? Find out tonight on…Celebrity Vice-President!

Gordon Ramsay.

Trump does this every ten years or so.

In 1988, the enemy was the Japanese - they were kicking our butts economically, and Trump proposed charging them for the military defense we were providing.

He “ran” again in 1999 (I think), proposing a one-time tax on wealth to pay the national debt off.

Now it’s the Chinese, and he promises never to raise taxes on Americans.

Trump’s positions over the years are a good indicator of what the average dumbshit American is most angry about.

Gore Vidal said that for some people, after a certain age, litigation replaces sex. Trump has apparently run out of people to sue, so he runs for president.

zamboniracer writes:

> Trump’s not going to run for anything for the same reason that Howard Stern
> never ran for governor, those pesky financial disclosure statements the
> candidates are required to file.

Nobody’s entirely sure how much Trump is worth. Trump himself claims more than $5 billion. Forbes has him tied with 48 other people for being the 488th richest person in the world with $2 billion. It’s possible that even that is an overestimate. He’s constantly been engaged in schemes in which his credit is overextended by any reasonable financial analysis. I wouldn’t be too surprised to learn someday when he dies or some circumstance forces him to do a complete accounting of his assets that he’s only worth about $100 million, the amount of money he’s made in his various TV shows.