Why is 4/20 a big deal to potheads?

Seen this here and Facebook, don’t get it. Full disclosure: NEVER smoked pot.

420 is slang for marijuana. So, April 20 and 4:20 PM are an inside joke.

For the same reason 3/14 is important to geeks as Pi Day. 3.14… and all that

420 is supposed to be the police code for marijuana possession.

I get 3/14 as Pi day, it came up on Facebook. As I said, I’ve never partaken of pot, hence my ignorance.

According to what I have heard, the time 4:20 PM is when pot smokers are all supposed to take a break, go outside and smoke.

That and any time they’re smoking is 4:20.

I’ve never partaken either…but I have children who try to keep me hip to the street lingo. And I once had to engrave the saying,“We’ll always have 4:20” on a gift once, and was informed by a coworker what that meant. And my boss is a cop’s wife.

From wiki

That’s because it’s always 4:20 somewhere!

It’s the prequel to the movie “3:10 to Yuma”.

I’m pretty sure, but too hungry to check right now. :wink:

I meant sequel not prequel.

Wait! What thread is this?

This thread is about people who aren’t hip to marijuana and the holiday that comes with it… Where is that blunt smoking smiley when you need it? Maybe this is the wrong forum

Because they’re potheads (i.e. idiots). Uh, and because Hitler was the first famous pothead, so they made it his birthday?

At least 4/19, or Bicycle Day, actually has a meaning, as it was the first time Albert Hoffmann ever had an LSD trip (which kicked in when he was biking home from his lab). Sounds like it predates 420 by about 20-30 years too.

This was my understanding too…because a pothead told me.

Potheads are super reliable, so I believe it.

Is rain expected at 4:20 ?



Don’t harsh your buzz.


I wouldn’t say it’s a big deal. It seems like more of an in-joke.

Yeah, it’s mostly a joke. Don’t know anybody who “seriously” observes it, although it’s an excuse for infrequent smokers to light up.

420 was supposedly police code for possession in LA back in the day. I’ve heard it’s apocryphal, and wouldn’t be surprised.