I went to the wrong church (Pope sacks monks for malfeasance, loose living and exotic dancing)

How come I never get invited to THESE ceremonies?

The Guardian (UK): Pope ousts ‘loose living’ monks of Rome’s Santa Croce monastery - Vatican acts after reports of monastery staging concerts featuring lap dancer and running hotel service

Oh I bet the Cardinal found it very cultural :rolleyes:

So, instead of a collection plate there’d be a collection garter? I dunno… this could help build back attendance at services… :smiley:

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

“Hey, baby… Wanna see my other bald head?”

So, she strips for Jesus? Does she lap dance for Jesus?

The Catholics - not having a good week. Gettin’ caught bites.

Priest Sex-Abuse Case Hits Church of Pope’s Adviser

I’ve… heard… friends, y’know, talk… about having a religious experience at Scores :smiley:

Oh, I know that part is probably oversensationalized by the writer and she’s likely doing the “sacred dances” in full robes, but still…

Oh, well. Let he who is without sin cast the first tip

Are these the guys who wrote Carmina Burana?

“I was deep undercover, man! You just blew up a three-year sting that was going to finish in two weeks, you know that?!!”

Actually it’s not the cardinal himself (Archbishop Bagnasco, who’s “working with the Pope to respond to scandals of pedophile priests”) who’s at the center of this article, but another priest - a Father Seppia - who is in the home domain (archdiocese) of Archbishop Bagnasco. Meaning he’d know him in a boss-to-2-or-3-levels-down subordinate sense.

Not to downplay the disgusting nature of the described actions or to whitewash the Catholic Church’s level of complicity in providing a framework for them, but your quote (which I found ironic at first) is just misleading:

Oops, I covered up too much with the ellipsis. Mea culpa! But I’m still not going to church.

Don’t they enough sense to stick to pedophilia?

Someone help me out here. Can anyone find videos of this lap dancing nun? All I can find is some pictures of some stupid Italian chick flapping her hands (and not other body parts) around. Plus her body is all covered up. WTF?

I guess this answers that other’s thread’s question about whether any nuns worked as actresses.

Here’s her “holy dance” routine - skip to 6:30 or so to see her writhe around a bit with a cross. (At least somebody’s got wood.)

Nice one! :wink:

Maybe the whole episode was due to bad habits?