Human Resources suck cock in hell.

What purpose do these useless bunch of fucktards have?

Certainly not to respond to job applications it seems, sending them to a HR dept is second only to firing them straight into a black hole. I can only imagine that there are many “interpersonal difficulties” that prevent these lazy fuckers from actually responding to people.

The only people who are more useless are recruitment consultants. Talk about a misnomer.

So on behalf of all the put upon job seekers in the world I would like to say a big “fuck you you stupid lazy asshole” to every HR officer, personal advisor and recruitment consultant in the world.

[QUOTE=Walker in Eternity;13866023I can only imagine that there are many “interpersonal difficulties” that prevent these lazy fuckers from actually responding to people.[/QUOTE]
Responding to applicants is not an important part of their job. It may make applicants feel better, but how does it help the company.

And if any of the attitude you show in this OP leaked through on your job application, I’m not surprised you didn’t get any response.

Right, because Og forbid someone express frustration anonymously on a message board. :rolleyes:

Let’s just pretend HR is god and those applications tossed in the trash are only those from defective human beings. Seriously, there are HR staff and entire departments that are complete and utter crap.

And before you disparage me with “If you attitude came through on your application/interview…” I am currently employed, thank you very much. Stop blaming the unemployed, most companies aren’t hiring right now, and many of those that are are treating applicants like crap.

Note, questions usually end with a question mark (?). I am not a fucking retard, I know enough to not rant in an application, which is why I’m doing it here.

To answer your question, it helps the company by not pissing off potential employees, plus it’s common courtesy which seems to be lacking in all sectors of society these days. if they are paying the good for nothing HR twats anyway they might as well do something for the money. When I first started work in the 1980s all applications were answered, now probably 1-10% seem to respond.

Even business peopleseem to agree HR is a waste of time.

Doesn’t ring true to me–I tend to get FAR more responses, even “we won’t be hiring you” ones, from HR departments than I do from literally any other class of person who might have reason to receive my resume/CV.

And given the article you just linked, what do you expect? The business world is shrinking HR departments because they’re a cost center, so they’re going to have fewer man-hours to do the non-essential stuff like “sending nice rejection letters to all applicants”.

Oh, fuck me, not this horseshit again. Yes, because people act the same exact way they do in a job interview as they do when they’re blowing off steam on a message board. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Anyway the OP isn’t saying that HR departments need to send a detailed response to each and every single person who submitted an application explaining why they didn’t get the job.

Even a simple form e-mail would be nice, especially if you’ve gotten to the stage where you got called in for an interview they told you that, you know, you’d be hearing back from them either way. It’s really just professional courtesy.

Which reminds me, why the FUCK hasn’t Thomas Pynchon responded to my anthology of knock-knock jokes? That postage wasn’t cheap!

No offense OP, but maybe your resume sucks?

(either with typos or poor qualifications)

(Oh yeah, read this)

In 37 years of gainful employment I’ve met easily 50 or more HR reps, HR managers, HR corporate officers and HR administrators.

Four of them weren’t total Fuck-turds.

So, my little unofficial survey nets a dumb-shit saturation of at least 92%.

It’s a profession that seems to be a magnet for the incompetent and clueless.

The people in human resources aren’t there to do anything for you. Their purpose is to help the business they work for. And apparently they felt that ignoring you was the best thing for the business.

I can’t see why they formed that opinion. You seem like a nice guy who’d be a wonderful person to work with.

Applied to a company, filled out all their ridiculous questions and forms, which took hours, never got a response. I was a bit baffled since my qualifications seemed exactly spot on.

The same company posted a new opening, same job title, same description, a few months later. Fortunately they saved my info, so I briefly updated it and resubmitted. But, this time a friend was working for the company, and was buddy-buddy with a guy in HR. He passed on my application to the hiring manager at my friend’s request. I don’t think he read it. As soon as I got word that the application was sent by HR, I got an interview practically instantly, was hired, and was given substantial raise (20%+). They seemed thrilled to have me.

Asked the new boss why I got turned down last time once I worked up the nerve. Of course, she had no idea I’d applied before. She never got my paperwork. She had resorted to rehiring an old, fired employee due to lack of applicants.

Yeah. Not a fan of HR. Helping the business my ass.

That’s the problem with stupid lazy asshole fucktards - they lack common courtesy.

And guess what? Human resources deals with a lot of applications. You think they can’t read between the lines on them? You may have thought you were concealing your hostility by not using phrases like asshole or fucktard in your resume but a guy with a huge chip on his shoulder is usually a lot more obvious than he realizes.

In my 15 years temping, I’ve worked in many departments, and HR is my least favourite. If you’re going to have lazy, back-stabbing, gossiping, self-important women at a company, they’ll be in HR.

If you’re curious, my favourite type of job is working with engineers. They just leave me alone and let me do my job. :slight_smile:

Their purpose is to give each other raises and promotions while freezing salaries for everyone else.

There, I answered your question. You’re welcome.

In my experience in HR departments, they’re too busy dealing with the endless and horrifying tangle that is benefits management, especially health insurance management, to do much else.

The director I’m currently working for posted a full time position recently. They’re supposed to stay on our jobs board for 2 weeks. He checked on the Monday after it was posted (day 6) to verify some wording and it was gone. He made them put it back up and it was gone again by Thursday. He received 3 resumes from HR, all clearly unqualified and none from internal candidates. Over the next two weeks he had 2 inquiries from internal candidates who had submitted resumes and who, based on their current jobs, would be qualified. Corporate policy is that all internal candidates get at the very least a call from the hiring manager if they are not interviewed. He is beyond frustrated is escalating within HR but isn’t getting very far.

This was always my fear when I applied for jobs for my husband. I fought with my desire to also send a letter to the head of whatever department he’d be working for, but I had heard this was an unwise practice.

The last place I applied to for him (an exact match for his qualifications), I did send an additional resume and a well-written application letter to the head of that department. My husband got the job and is still working there. I don’t know if the letter did the trick or it was thrown in the wastebasket. But I had to take the chance. I don’t trust the combination of knucklehead HR people and byzantine HR application software.

In my experience with HR, I usually call them “The Department of Refusal of Hiring”. I have frequently run into situations where a manager or director really wants to hire, the company is in an active recruitment phase, and I have new grads who are keen to work with them. The only thing that stands in our way? H.R. They actively PREVENT hiring from taking place.

And from personal experience… When a job seeker runs into an organization with an HR department that treats them like an expendable lab animal? They tell everyone they know in the business what a shitty organization that is. The reputation of the company can be seriously damaged by these HR idiots.

HR is the “face” of the company for it’s employees and new recruits. Recently I spoke to a student who had her offer letter, payroll and employee info screwed up by HR on her summer job. She told me directly “When I graduate I’m never working for this organization, ever. They don’t treat their employees right.”

H.R. Idiots can damage a company to the point of destruction.

Conversely, I have seen great H.R. professionals who are probably one of the main reasons for the success of their company. They are in the vase minority though.

They make up wierd "rules’ that their applicants have to pass, or else the resume is shitcanned.

For example- for some positions, you have to have a paper resume at one point. Now, some HR dudes say if it’s *not *on a high grade of paper, that shows you don’t care enough, so shitcan. Other HR dudes say that having a high grade of paper is pretentious- so shitcan.

Some say you must have a cover letter or else shitcan. Others say the lack of a cover letter means shitcan. (now, if the job listing says “send cover letter and resume” fine, but why should I have to guess otherwise?).

Follow up email or thank you for interview? Some- nessesary, shows politeness. Others; suck-up so shitcan.

What some half-educated HR dudes perceive as a typo can get a resume shitcanned, as well as choice of fonts, styles, buletting or lack therof, and so forth.

Honestly, they should not be allowed to do this sort of crap.

That sounds about right. If I’m sending a resume off to an HR department, I’m pretty sure I’ll never hear from them again.