What are Non Specific T Wave Changes?

I had an ECG recently as part of a check up and the Doctor wrote “Non Specific T Wave Changes”. He told me that it was nothing to worry about as I am young and I was fine.

Now this is not an attempt at Medical Advice and I trust my physician; but i) what the hell dose this term mean and why is it “harmless” to the young?

IANAcardiologist, but that is who you should talk with about this. When I had my gall bladder removed, there were nonspecific T wave changes intraoperatively. I woke up in ICU instead of my regular hospital room, with post anesthesia amnesia. I was sure I was dead meat. I had an echocardiogram, stress test, etc later and a cardiologist told me not to worry.

It was a Cardiologist. She said its nothing to worry about. I am not worried, just curious what it means. I had those tests (our office insists once a year)

Some wave form changes are specific, or at least indicate, certain conditions. For instance, ST segment elevations in certain leads can indicate myocardial ischemia (heart attack). Peaked T waves, as opposed to the normal rounded T waves, can indicate too much potassium in your serum. Non-specific T wave changes are probably ones that look different from your last ECG but are not worrying for anything more serious. Writing it in the report is just a way of saying, “I did not miss that this looks different but I am not concerned.”

Also, I am not a doctor.

So if a Doctor or other expert can answer; is this something which on its own is no cause for worry or is it something whose seriousness is acertained after further tests.