How do I keep the width of the tips of my nails flat?

Super short version:
When wet, the width of the tips of my nails are flat, when they dry they curve. Any ideas on how to keep them flat?

More details:
Over time I’ve noticed that the tips of my nails have become curved (the width, the length has not changed its shape). After a bath the other day, I noticed that even with a nail strengthener on my wet nails were flat at the tips! Boy, did they look nice. Then, as they dried, they began to curve. I usually use a nail strengthener for dry and brittle nails or one that fixes every little problem. I paint my nails but except in rare circumstances only use non-acetone remover. Also, I put cuticle oil on like I bought an excessive amount and its about to go bad … not that I would do that or anything. :stuck_out_tongue: When my nails get too long I use a glass file on them (only going one way) and occasionally use a nail block. Any help or suggestions on the curve problem would be most appreciated.

Shouldn’t they curve to match the curve of your finger? I think flat nails would look a bit weird.

Good question (because I saw the results recently)!* I had a feeling, even with the help of my Sweet Pea that I wasn’t making myself clear. :smack: I’ll ask him for more help later. For now, the best answer I can give is that once my nails grow to the point that they turn white (the tips) that’s when they start to curve. They do this in such a manner that there is a noticeable difference between the width of the nail pre-tip and the width of the tip of the nail, the latter not being as wide.

*I tried some tips the other day that I hadn’t filed to shape properly, they were much too wide, and they did look super weird. :eek:

I’ve been staring at my fingertips for a while now and I’m starting to get wierd looks from my colleagues… :wink:

Could you find a picture that describes what you’re talking about?

You want to have long but completely-blunt nails? So that when you look at them from above, the tips are almost rectangular?

That’s how fake plastic nails come in the package; their use without further shaping has led to some people considering that shape fashionable, but it’s very difficult if not impossible to obtain with real nails and very unpractical.

When my Sweet Pea gets a chance I’ll ask him to help me take a few pictures and post them somewhere. I think with one of my nails the answer will just be, that’s weird sucks to be you (but politely).:stuck_out_tongue:

sandra_nz, sorry about the weird looks this resulted in, oh for my former powers of description.

Nava, not totally blunt but some of them are curved to the point that I had thought was a bit weird (if I thought about it), but really noticed it the other day when they were wet, and not curved in. I was wondering if there was a way to make them look the way they had when wet.

OK, but are you talking about looking at them from above, or from the side?

Curved, like an arch following the shape of the tip of your finger?

Or curved down, like it’s growing toward the pad of your finger?

I have the feeling that it is the second option.

I noticed that when I was writing a lot, and using my hads more than just typing a couple of my fingers developed curves in the tips of my nails, once they hit the end of the nail bed, for example the center finger on my right hand developed a curve on the left side of the nail, so it dipped down more than the right side of the nail, so if you were to consider it a parens ) it was not an even crescent, but stayed crescent shaped for half the length, then angled sharply towards the center point of the parens. I believe that the base shape of the nail as it leaves the nail bed can be modified by either damaging the nail bed, or impacting the nailbed by doing things like the finger position while using a writing instrument, or by manual labor.

aruvqan, hit the nail on the head, as it were. :slight_smile:

After reading through the posts again, putting on my thinking cap*, and staring at my nails some more, I think I’ve figured out the main reason for the weird curving and it is stuff that I’m doing with my hands. When I came back to the thread, I saw aruvqan’s post and was all: spooky! I still have the odd nail that is super curved, more so than the nail at the nail bed, I’m wondering if that could be dryness, maybe. I’d hope that my basecoat (and other actions) would fix that though.

I still plan to post pictures. I tried to take some with the camera in my phone but that did not work well. I keep missing my Sweet Pea, which is extra unpleasant because aside from not doing something I said I’d do, I want to see him! :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully I’ll have pictures taken and a link up by Friday evening.

As for the problem identified by aruvqan, is there any way to fix the funny curving/bending caused by the activities with my hands? It’s not like I’m digging ditches or even doing something fun like gardening or laundry.

Thank you to everyone so far for your help. :slight_smile:

*My thinking cap was a fedora borrowed from my giant puppy, Bogie. He totally rocks a fedora, and as we recently learned, a tie. :cool:

I completely understand what you’re talking about thursday next. That’s how I ran across this forum, searching for solution. I have the EXACT same problem. But this really only started happening to me since I have gotten older. I don’t know how old you are but I am 50. My nails will still grow incredibly long and they seem otherwise strong and healthy. When the are wet they are perfect but as soon as they dry the ends appear much narrower than the base because the sides are curving, down, inward. That’s best I can describe it. I just joined today so i don’t know how to post pictures, but I’m going to try. Please take a look and see if I was able to do it correctly. Wish I had found you guys back in October.

I completely understand what you’re talking about thursday next. That’s how I ran across this forum, searching for solution. I have the EXACT same problem. But this really only started happening to me since I have gotten older. I don’t know how old you are but I am 50. My nails will still grow incredibly long and they seem otherwise strong and healthy. When the are wet they are perfect but as soon as they dry the ends appear much narrower than the base because the sides are curving, down, inward. That’s best I can describe it. I just joined today so i don’t know how to post pictures, but I’m going to try. Please take a look and see if I was able to do it correctly. Wish I had found you guys back in October.