Mafia: The Thrill of the Chase [Newbie Friendly!]

Hey, everybody, I decided to make a mafia game again! This one should be relatively simple (given past games). Just players, secrets, and my laughable attempts at writing like a Harlequin Romance novelist. For those who haven’t played the game before, here’s a basic tutorial; you should try it out, it’s a blast.

This game needs 20 players:

and will start Sunday night at the earliest. Please specify your gender when you sign up–it’s embarrassing to refer to the wrong one for three weeks before someone finally corrects me.

Basic Rules:

  1. This is a game of intrigue, in which good-hearted, innocent young lovers and prospective lovers have to fight off evil, hard-hearted scum. Literally–there are players who are scum and they must be killed for the town to win. The scum can communicate privately, kill off townies, and win when they outnumber the town (probably).

  2. The game proceeds in a Day/Night cycle. During the Day (which lasts 5 real-time days), players vote on who they think to be the scummiest scum. Players vote by posting [noparse]Vote X[/noparse]. They unvote by posting [noparse]Unvote X[/noparse]At the end of the Day, that player is killed, and his or her role revealed for all to see.

  3. During the Night, the scum can kill another player, and any player with extra nightly powers can use them. Players indicate how they use their powers by sending the mod (me!) a PM. I will do my best to keep my inbox from filling up.

  4. Color is just color, and the name of the color is purple. If you want to skip my (probably hilarious) attempts at writing torrid florid romance fiction at the start/end of Days and Nights, be my guest. The important stuff will be at the end of the post anyways.

Etiquette/Anti-Cheating Rules:

  1. You may post your Rule PM in the thread. Be aware, however, that the moderator may (and has been known to) be horribly inconsistent with the damned things. Also, it is possible that the scum may get fake Town PMs, and certain that everyone will get a Vanilla PM.

  2. Don’t edit your posts, please. I wouldn’t ask, but it’s caused problems in the past, and the other players would probably kill you for doing so anyway.

  3. Please participate. Mafia (the way we play it) is a low-pressure, high-commitment game. Please don’t sign up and then drop out in a couple weeks. If you don’t think you can make a post every day or so for a month or two, you don’t have to sign up.

  4. No off-board communication, except for the scum through the scumboard I’ve set up. Just for the record.

  5. Rules questions and comments should be directed at the moderator via PM. They can be posted in the thread in bold and green, but be aware that method of asking may go unanswered, while all PM questions will be answered.

Game Specific Rules:

  1. This is a closed game, meaning any powers floating around are not public knowledge. Not everyone has powers, though. In fact, a majority do not.

  2. The town win condition: All non-townies are dead.
    The scum win condition: It is impossible for the scum to lose even if they all openly revealed themselves.

  3. This game will be relatively straightforward. Do not expect any overly crazy roles. Well, mayyyybe one…


Proud Penis Possessor

In, please.

I’m a dude.

  1. Inner Stickler (m)
  2. Astral Rejection (m)


In. (F)

In. Male.

Can I play? Male. Newbie. Very, very newbie.

  1. Inner Stickler (m)
  2. Astral Rejection (m)
  3. Mahaloth (m)
  4. Scathach (f)
  5. Zeriel (m)
  6. gregorio (m)

Cool, more people! Glad to have you, gregorio.


Poor, poor Scathach. If trepa isn’t careful, he’s going to have to slash it up.

It’s The Thrill of the Chase™, Inner! Wouldn’t be much of a chase if the genders were even.

I disagree with your premise that a chase requires a select few chasees and several chasers.

/in male

In. Male. Have played about seven games, but still play like a moron.

Ditto. I’m very excited to see what incredibly dumb things I do this game.

  1. Inner Stickler (m)
  2. Astral Rejection (m)
  3. Mahaloth (m)
  4. Scathach (f)
  5. Zeriel (m)
  6. gregorio (m)
  7. MentalGuy (m)
  8. Hirka T’Bawa (m)
  9. septimus (m)

We’ve actually had a pretty even gender split in games before…I’m kinda surprised.

I’m somewhere around my 20th game and I still don’t play worth a damn. I figure if I can’t be a great role model, I can be a horrible example.

Come on, people! Sign up! The day after Thanksgiving would be a great time to kick off a game.