Which end of the kazoo do you blow on?

I’d always seen it blown on the large end, but farting around watching videos on YouTube I came across this TV theme medley wherein the artist (Fredde Gredde* - I’m not trying to trick you, heh) plays it from the skinny end. I did a :smack: when I saw this because it had never occurred to me that it would work either way. (I mean, it’s not exactly a technological marvel - it’s a hole with tissue paper over it!)

He’s in Sweden and being from the US I wonder if this is something that varies by country/nationality or something. Now I’m really over-thinking things…Do people in the southern hemisphere Hula-Hoop the opposite direction? :slight_smile:

*This guy is crazy talented. He plays like a jillion instruments and has a great vocal range. Don’t miss his cover of Queen’s “Killer Queen”. He does all the harmonies and plays all the instruments. (When he whipped out the accordion I nearly fell out of my chair.)

You don’t blow.

You hum.

If you’re a kid, the side that will irritate the most people :slight_smile:

The larger end.

I made a weed smoker out of a kazoo once. [/nonsequitur]

From what I’ve read, you’re supposed to put your mouth on whichever end is closer to the raised vibrating bit; this is usually (but not always) the big end. Some kazoos have the tissue paper porthole thing dead-center; maybe those can be played either way? The last kazoo I had was very short, had the paper very close to the wide end, and could only be played from that end.

Huh, I remember being on a bus trip where we all had party favor kazoos, I think we all blew them from the small end. We hummed a few songs but mostly we just pretended we were riding two strokes.

Maybe it’s the shape - larger musical instruments like trumpets, clarinets, etc. are played from the small end. shrug blowing close to the diaphragm certainly makes more sense.

I beg your pardon. Hands off my Kazoo. Only my SO blows it.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It would be better if your SO hummed it.

And you had wax paper over your mouth.


Yup, the fat end.

Well, to be fair, you don’t “blow” during a blowjob, yeah?

Thus the term “Hummer”. <- Wait! I didn’t mean it like that!

You can hum/blow into any of the three openings. The sound is louder if you hum/blow into the large end, because the air flow from there to the small end causes more air vibrations to contact the membrane, which is what causes the amplification/distortion of the voice. If you use the turret, and allow air to flow around, not seal it completely with your lips, it will also be loud becuse most of the vibrations will contact the membrane.

[link removed]
Celebrate National Kazoo Day–Some time between January 23 & 29th
or whenever it is convenient for the kazooist.

:smack:I couldn’t figure out how to edit my above post. It did have an edit button, but now it seems missing.
Anyway the link should be
[link removed]

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