Is there an inexpensive place to buy classical sheet music?

I’ve been listening to a lot of chamber music lately and I would like buy copies of some of the sheet music so I can follow along while I’m listening.

Are there some inexpensive places I can buy online? I also live close to Arizona State University if there is such a thing as a music bookstore.

Right now, I am looking for music for some of Haydn’s string quartets, Beethoven’s string quartets and piano trios, Faure’s piano quintets, and Mozart’s string quintets.

Try here: Petrucci Music Library. There are scores of scores.

have you tried MusicNotes ?

If you want to buy printed copies, you might look into what Dover Publications has to offer. But I’d think that, nowadays, with any music that’s old enough to be in the public domain, it’d be worth checking to see if it’s available free online. Cunctator’s link looks like one good source; a couple others I managed to find were Mutopia and the Project Gutenberg Sheet Music Project.

Since you live near Arizona State University, don’t they have a music department . . . with a music library . . . and a copier? They may have what you’re looking for.

I’ll bet you’ve been waiting years to use that one.

If you do a Google search for the name of any public domain piece plus pdf, you’re likely to find a score available for free.

The Mother Lode.

The Royal Library has an immense amount of music online, in interesting variations - scans of original scores, different editions, and so on. Takes some poking around though.