Dry flaking skin on greasy nose?

I think this is the right forum for medical questions.

My nose is always covered with sebum is its a few hours since I showered or washed my face, it is also covered in blackheads(this is the only part of my face thats greasy or has blackheads).

Now in addition to this the skin on my nose comes off in large flakes/almost scabs.
If I decide its looking ridiculously unsightly and grab a corner and pull off the flakes then its like a small open sore that hurts and can get infected.:smack:
This is also only an issue on my nose.

Its not exposed to dry air at all, we don’t even have AC or heating(temperate climate of 70s F year round) and not exposed to excessive sunlight.

Tried using comedogenic mosturizers (or products that claim they will not clog pores) and no use on either front.

Any clues?

Seborrheic dermatitis. Your doctor can give you an anti-fungal cream to get rid of it.

Talk to a doctor. :slight_smile: But until then, I’d suggest babying your skin. Use mild soap, don’t scrub hard, use moisturizer. I was convinced for a long time that because I had acne and my face quickly got a surface layer of oil that I must have oily skin. Surprise, my skin was actually extremely dry! Once I found that out I started using moisturizer and a gentler soap, and my skin improved a lot. But if it’s peeling to the point where you’re getting raw spots and possibly infections, a visit to your GP or dermatologist is in order. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction.

I forgot to say I did mention it to a doctor during an unrelated visit and they advised the use of moisturizers and said they could refer me to a dermatologist but I may not want to bother because of the cost, and I kinda agreed :stuck_out_tongue:

The rawness only happens if I peel off the flakes, if left until they eventually fall off there is no rawness but the flake cycle is neverending.

Ah, okay. Personally I found that exfoliating a couple of times per week helped keep the flakes to a minimum. The mixture I use has honey and almond in it, it smells fantastic.

Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. I get it on my scalp and use a shampoo called Nizoral, which has been very effective. Occasionally it spreads across my face and I use the shampoo there for a while until it goes away.

Trouble is, there’s other causes of similar symptoms. If simple treatments don’t take care of it, you should see a doctor.

A relative had it around her ears pretty bad, and her doctor told her to try smearing Head and Shoulders original shampoo (without conditioner) on the affected area and leaving it there for up to 10 minutes a day for a few days. Worked like a charm.

Yep seborrheic dermatitis. I’ve lived with it most of my life. The best thing I’ve learned to do is wash my hair and eyebrows with Head and Shoulders (the pink one with the conditioner works best for me because it acts as a bit of a moisturizer) every single day, with occasional use of Nizoral.

Also, just a note here, but when I was on Atkins for a year I never had a problem, not even once.