Does the ipod shuffle require itunes to load your music?

I hate the itune software that continuously runs on the computer. Is it required to load music on the Shuffle? I’m looking for somebody that has a Shuffle that knows for sure. I prefer to drag and drop music from my folders or use the windows media player for Win7. My music is in mp3 format. I’m not buying the shuffle if it only loads from itunes.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, the Shuffle, like every iPod, requires iTunes. No, iTunes does not run continuously on your computer, not sure where you got that. Maybe you’re confusing it with iTunes Helper, a little widget that recognizes when an iPod is connected.

There might be plugins for other players such as WinAmp that might do what you want, but IMHO if you’re completely foregoing playlists, you’re missing out on a big part of the Shuffle’s functionality.

There’s SharePod (Windows). You can put it on the iPod and run straight from there, no install necessary. Supports playlists, drag & drop.

The short answer is yes, iTunes is required.

The longer answer is yes, as nudgenudge mentioned there is third party software available that will let you use it more like a standards-compliant mp3 player. However, Apple doesn’t want you to use it any software other than theirs, and if your iPod malfunctions while under warranty Apple will blame it on the software and probably say it invalidates the warranty.

If you don’t want to use iTunes (And who could blame you? iTunes blows on Windows), you’re better off getting a proper MP3 player that will work the way you want and cost less to boot.

I have a related question:

I have an iPod Nano. I’ve had it for a few years, so it’s not the latest version, but it still works great. I’ve been using an old clunky laptop which has iTunes installed on it on order to download stuff onto the iPod. The only other thing I use this laptop for nowadays is surfing the Internet.

Just recently I got an iPad as a gift. So far I love it, and I expect that it will take over most uses of the laptop. For general Internet surfing it’s far more convenient. It also has iTunes pre-installed on it, and using iCloud I can download onto it all my stuff that I already bought. So far, so good.

But I would really like to dump the laptop altogether, and I could if there were a way to download new stuff from iTunes onto the iPad, and get it over to the iPod without the laptop. But I don’t think there’s any way to do this. The iPod has no wireless connectivitiy, just the USB cable.

So am I mistaken? Is there a way to get songs from iTunes on the iPad over to the iPod without the laptop?

Most of those plugins and other third party programs also require that you have iTunes installed and that it recognizes your iPod. You don’t have to ever open iTunes, mind you, but it does have to be installed and functional.

You are mistaken. iTunes that is installed on your iPad (or iPhone) is NOT the same iTunes that runs on a PC, and it does not function in that manner.

Sorry, but every response claiming you must use iTunes is incorrect.

You can manage your iPod shuffle with Winamp or many other freeware programs if you choose. Apple just wants you to think you can only use their software.

Google “manage ipod Winamp” (without the quotes).

I ditched ITunes years ago.

Could you please quote a post that claims this? Because other than Pitchmeister’s post, all I see are a bunch of responses stating that there are alternatives to iTunes.

Thanks everybody.

Today my player gave my ears a shock 3 separate times through the metal mesh in the ear buds. It has to be the ear buds that are defective. They had a few to many jerks when caught on something I’d say.

I don’t understand you. In what manner? If I were mistaken, then there WOULD be a way to get songs downloaded from my iPad onto my iPod. Because that’s the question I asked. I think you are confirming what I thought – I cannot get iTunes on the IPad to do what I would like.

Sorry - you are not mistaken. I either added or subtracted a “not” in there somewhere.

I personally use two different models of iPods without the despised iTunes. I use a Winamp plugin.

This is the 2nd thread in a week here where people have posted the nonsense claim that all iPods require iTunes. What on Earth is going on???

Sorry - did you ignore the 10 other posters claiming that you DON’T need iTunes? What on Earth is going on???

so, let me get this straight. I can take either of my ipods [an ageing hard drive type and an old nano from 3 years ago] and make sure that my music and audiobook collection are in mp3 and I can load an alternative program onto them? For some odd reason I vaguely remember when I got my original ipod 7ish years ago I had the option of winamp or itunes, but once i loaded it with itunes it was locked in and i couldn’t change the program [it was on a pop up the first time i hooked up the ipod]

I think ftg means that the OPs are saying “I have to use iTunes” not the responders.

You don’t load anything on to your iPod. The software everyone is talking about goes on your computer and you use it to manage the music on your iPod when the two are connected.

You can change whatever program you use with your iPod anytime. It’s just like changing which browser or document editor you use. No lock in of any sort. You can use 5 different programs to manage your iPod if you want. (Just not all at the exact same time, of course.)

The files on your iPod and in your media library are completely unaffected by switching.

(Note: there are projects to run a different OS on mp3 players, including some iPods. I tried Rockbox once, just for fun. Then I went back to the iPod’s original OS, which is not called “iTunes”. That’s a whole 'nother type of thing.)

And Munch: Please learn to read a bit more carefully.

Read what more carefully? The OP that *asked *“Is it required to load music on the Shuffle?”, or your post that stated “people have posted the nonsense claim that all iPods require iTunes”? I’ll ask again - other than the second post in this thread, who has made such a claim?

Not only that, but is it fair to call the claim nonsense when officially every model of iPod currently available does require iTunes? It is clearly and unambiguously listed on the packaging and online product descriptions.

Shuffle and Nano both say iTunes 10 is required.
Touch says iTunes 10.5 is required.
Classic says iTunes 9 is required.