Mad-Men: 5.08 "Lady Lazarus" (open spoilers)

Based on the preview it looks like there be lots of dramatic half conversations and people storming out of rooms and getting late night phone calls.

“Do they explode?”

“Yes, Allen Funt sent them over.”

What’s the name of the actress who played Howard’s wife? She looked familiar.

She’s the younger girl from Gilmore Girls.

I’m glad that happened:Now that Megan is out of the office, Don can go back to being a hound dog.

So, who is going to fall down the elevator shaft?

Now they’re believable as a married couple. :smiley:

“You can’t smoke in here.”

That is the coolest apartment.

Perfect closing song.

Fantastic episode. Highlights:

  • Megan’s quitting scene in the creative room. “She’s talking to you!” Ginzo’s $15.

  • Roger gives good advice - “You have to go home”

  • Don is thinking about someone other than himself: “Why shouldn’t she do what she wants? I don’t want her to end up like Betty.”

  • Alexis Bledel!

  • Peggy: “I’m not the one you’re mad at, so just shut up!”

I didn’t get Joan’s resentment of Megan.

My favorite moment was Peggy chewing Don out. The rest - meh.

That was supposed to be Joan’s future.

Geez… Pete has some kind of death wish. And WHY does everyone want to f*ck him? He is such a slimy toad!

I love the way you really see the morphing of the culture in these recent episodes. It’s 1966, the year I graduated from high school. The Beatles’ album *Revolver *, which Megan gives to Don, was where they started changing from the lovable moptops of the Ed Sullivan Show to dark prophets. The darkness has underlain pop culture for decades, so if you’re under 40, you’re just sort of used to it. It’s a given. But this was the world of Perry Como, Andy Williams, and Pat Boone. Don is not getting it. This new dark youth culture is a tsunami that is going to wash everything away, and we’re still feeling the effects of it. The (now) laughable motto of my generation was, “Don’t trust anyone over 30.”

I feel like something similar is happening today, but now at 63, I’M the older generation that isn’t getting it, doesn’t want to, and isn’t interested in pop culture. It must be what my parents went through in the '60’s.

Wait until 1968. The assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. The '68 Democratic National Convention. That was the year the tsunami came ashore.

Wouldn’t make much sense for Don to put on the very last song on side 2 of Revolver, but I can forgive that since it was the perfect song for the scene. I’m impressed they were able to secure the rights.

This is the beginning of the end for Don and Megan. They clearly want different things, and their generational gap is getting bigger and bigger with every episode.

I liked the episode well enough and it had its lines but it very much felt like a bridge episode into other things.

Megan pointed out the track and told Don to start with that one.

I shouldn’t hold it against Ms. Bledel but her presence took me out of every scene she was in since I just kept thinking “S’up, Rory?”

Damn, missed that line.

The title of the episode had me expecting it to be about Joan. I still think there may be an as-yet unrevealed rise of the phoenix double entendre relevant to Joan, with all the Herr Doktor/Herr Enemy-ing in the Plath poem and, especially, the closing lines:

"Herr God, Herr Lucifer

Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air."

The elevator shaft seemed odd, especially since it’s impossible (the motor and gearing that opens the doors is on the elevator car. If it’s not there, the doors don’t open except by prying).

And what was the test kitchen thing supposed to be? Surely the people at General Foods/Birds Eye who make decisions about advertising don’t work in the test kitchen, and everyone involved knew that actors would eventually be cast.

I just kept thinking “Hey Mad Men, you can’t freak me out with Rory Gilmore fucking Connor! Cordelia already fucked Connor and used up all my “Ick!!! Ewwwwwww!!! Blech!!!” Also, Annie Edison fucks Connor on the regular.”

Although it did serve to reinforce my opinion that Connor and Pete are the exact same character. Pointlessly angry with no sense of boundaries.

I don’t see it that way. January Jones was such a godawful wooden actress that the writers have been angling to minimize her role since the beginning. I’m disappointed that we got Betty the harpy instead of Betty the shotgun-toting uber-mom. They needed all those affairs so that Hamm would have an actress to play against to show the charisma of his character. The woman who plays Megan is much more fluid and I think they’ll keep her around.

I must say that I was distracted by all of tonight’s scenes featuring Alexis Bledel. It looked like her but I wasn’t certain and kept studying her throughout all of their scenes. I don’t like the way she looked; too dark. Maybe it’s the makeup or the wig, but she’s more attractive than what they showed this evening. I suppose we’ll have to see if Community gets picked up for another season to determine where Pete’s affair will end up. It would be nice if everyone on the show wasn’t cheating on their significant other.

Whoever decided to write Ginsberg into the show deserves a raise. That actor is doing a superb job. I suspect there’s a future connection between their footwear client and his question about actor’s costumes.