Cities with "San" or "Saint" in their names

I counted 8 places in the U.S. with “San” or “Saint” in their names. California has 4 (San Francisco, San Bernandino, San Jose, San Diego), Texas has 2 (San Antonio and San Angelo), and Florida, Georgia and Minnesota each have one (St. Augustine, St. Simons Island, and St. Paul). Do you know of any others?

St Petersburg, FL. St. Louis, Missouri. San Luis Obispo, CA.

There are lots of them in CA. San Juan Capistrano, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, San Miguel, San Fernando, San Gabriel, Santa Clara, Santa Anita, San Marcos, I know there are more.

PS: Santa = female saint, so it is equivelant.

Uh, St. Louis, St. Joseph, St. Clair, St. James, St. Robert, St. Peters, St. Francois County, St. Ann, St. John, St. Genevieve, St. Marys and St. Charles, Missouri.

Minnesota - Saint Anthony-Saint Charles-Saint Cloud-Saint Francis-Saint James-Saint Joseph-Saint Michael-Saint Paul-Saint Peter-Saint Stephen

Check out and pick a state.

Saint Joseph, Mo. Departure gate of the Pony Express.

St. Mary’s City, Md.

Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Sandusky Ohio

Named after a priest?

Does El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula count? There’s no word meaning “saint” in there, but it’s still named after one.

St. Florian town    
St. George city     
St. Mary's city     
St. Michael city    
St. Paul city       
St. David CDP       
St. Johns city      
St. Michaels CDP    
St. Charles town    
St. Francis city    
St. Joe town        
St. Paul town       
St. Helena city     
St. Mary's CDP      
Glen St. Mary town  
Port St. Joe city   
Port St. John CDP   
Port St. Lucie city 
Port St. Lucie-River
St. Augustine city  
St. Augustine Beach 
St. Augustine Shores
St. Augustine South 
St. Cloud city      
St. George CDP      
St. James City CDP  
St. Leo town        
St. Lucie village   
St. Marks city      
St. Pete Beach city 
St. Petersburg city 
St. Marys city      
St. Simons CDP      
St. Anthony city    
St. Charles city    
St. Maries city     
East St. Louis city 
St. Anne village    
St. Augustine villag
St. Charles city    
St. David village   
St. Elmo city       
St. Francisville cit
St. Jacob village   
St. Johns village   
St. Joseph village  
St. Libory village  
St. Peter village   
St. Joe town        
St. John town       
St. Leon town       
St. Paul town       
St. Ansgar city     
St. Anthony city    
St. Charles city    
St. Donatus city    
St. Lucas city      
St. Marys city      
St. Olaf city       
St. Paul city       
St. Francis city    
St. George city     
St. John city       
St. Marys city      
St. Paul city       
St. Charles city    
St. Dennis CDP      
St. Matthews city   
St. Regis Park city 
St. Francisville tow
St. Gabriel town    
St. Joseph town     
St. Martinville city
St. Rose CDP        
Village St. George C
Cape St. Claire CDP 
St. Charles CDP     
St. James CDP       
St. Leonard CDP     
St. Michaels town   
St. Charles village 
St. Clair city      
St. Clair Shores cit
St. Helen CDP       
St. Ignace city     
St. Johns city      
St. Joseph city     
St. Louis city      
Lake St. Croix Beach
Marine on St. Croix 
North St. Paul city 
St. Anthony city    
St. Anthony city    
St. Bonifacius city 
St. Charles city    
St. Clair city      
St. Cloud city      
St. Francis city    
St. Hilaire city    
St. James city      
St. Joseph city     
St. Leo city        
St. Louis Park city 
St. Martin city     
St. Marys Point city
St. Michael city    
St. Paul city       
St. Paul Park city  
St. Peter city      
St. Rosa city       
St. Stephen city    
St. Vincent city    
South St. Paul city 
West St. Paul city  
Bay St. Louis city  
St. Martin CDP      
Lake St. Louis city 
St. Ann city        
St. Charles city    
St. Clair city      
St. Cloud village   
St. Elizabeth villag
St. George city     
St. James city      
St. John city       
St. Joseph city     
St. Louis city      
St. Martins city    
St. Mary city       
St. Paul city       
St. Peters city     
St. Robert city     
St. Thomas town     
St. Ignatius town   
St. Marie CDP       
St. Pierre CDP      
St. Regis CDP       
St. Xavier CDP      
St. Edward city     
St. Helena village  
St. Paul city       
St. Bonaventure CDP 
St. James CDP       
St. Johnsville villa
St. Helena village  
St. James town      
St. Pauls town      
St. Stephens CDP    
St. John city       
St. Thomas city     
St. Bernard city    
St. Clairsville city
St. Henry village   
St. Louisville villa
St. Martin village  
St. Marys city      
St. Paris village   
St. Louis town      
St. Helens city     
St. Paul city       
St. Clair borough   
St. Clairsville boro
St. Lawrence borough
St. Marys city      
St. Michael-Sidman C
St. Petersburg borou
Upper St. Clair CDP 
St. Andrews CDP     
St. George town     
St. Matthews town   
St. Stephen town    
St. Charles CDP     
St. Francis town    
St. Lawrence town   
St. Joseph city     
St. Hedwig town     
St. Jo city         
St. Paul town       
St. Paul CDP        
St. George city     
St. Albans city     
St. Johnsbury CDP   
St. Charles town    
St. Paul town       
St. John town       
St. Albans city     
St. Marys city      
St. Cloud village   
St. Croix Falls city
St. Francis city    
St. Nazianz village 

Here’s a list of US town names from the US census buereau. I’ll leave extracting the towns with “Saint” or “San” as a chance for someone else to practice their regex skills.

The Spanish forms, “San” and “Santa”, obviously, are common in areas where the first palefaces to settle were Spanish/Mexican. (Remembering that Mexico was part of Spain in those days.) In CA, this is most noticeable along Highway 101 as far north as Sonoma County (two counties north of San Francisco), which roughly follows the route of the 18th century padres who set up their chain of missions in Alta California. I think a substantial majority of cities along this route have Spanish names, with a great many of them being San-somebody or Santa-somebody.

Elsewhere in CA, there are fewer of those, but still some. For example, along State Route 99 through the San Joaquin Valley, there are a scattered few.

Apparently not. But if conforms to the request as stated in the OP.

Santa Claus, Indiana

Wow! I never knew that there were so many. I went to St. Louis in '09, and I truly enjoyed it (especially the Arch).

St. Elsewhere

I’ve lived in (almost) three of them:

St. Louis, MO
San Diego, CA
And came thiiiiisssss close to moving to Santa Fe, NM

Don’t forget St. Olaf!

But Santa Fe (= “holy faith”) is not named after a saint, just as Santa Cruz (“holy cross”) isn’t either.