Recast: Who would you put in Star Wars today?

Scenario: It’s 2001 and you’re the hotshot casting director who’s been approached by an unknown by the name of George Lucas. He has a script tentatively titled Star Wars (and some garbage about it being episode 4 - wth is with that?). He gives you a brief synopsis and the type of characters to look for.

Somehow he has a HUUUUUGE budget. You can cast nearly anyone…

Who’s it gonna be hotshot?

Vague ideas so far:

Luke: James Van Der Beek (he’s already got the nice boy image down pat and some would find him annoying) or

Han: Mel Gibson (larrikan but loveable - charming rogue) or Russel Crowe (hey he’s flavour of the month)

Leia: Angelina Jolie (probably too tough) or Milla Jovavich (exotic touch and we can add a new line in when the death star explodes: “BIG badda boom”)

Obi Wan: Sean Connery (*chuckles at the thought of the brogue “Ahh tha’s no’ a name I’ve hrrd in many yearrrs”)

Darth Vader: Someone tall (not Jeff Goldblum - I dislike him)

Chewie: see above (and above)
So waht do you think gang? Who out of today’s multitudes should get a shot?

I’d probably recast it with an all midget cast and call it “Star Wars Episode 4: Tiny Terror in Outer Space.” :slight_smile:

Sean Connery may be right for Obi-Wan, not so sure about your choices for Leia. I´ll have to give Leia some more thought.

Darth Vader - Anyone around 2 metres tall. As long as James Earl Jones does the voice.


Luke: Christopher Lambert. As long as we’re screwing with time and space, I’d like him around fifteen years younger, if possible.

Obi-Wan: John Cleese/Richard Briers. Sean Connery’s just
too… Sean Connery.

Han: Billy Crystal

C3PO: Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall

Lando Calrissian, when he shows up: Bill Murray

Leia: Sinead O’Connor

well well well. The OP of this has no sense at all. First of, you gotta remember that people like Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford were cast into the original trilogy because they were no names, and so was Lucas. Star Wars was extremely low budget for a feature film, and they couldn’t afford the big names. Darth Vader isn’t too important as long as you get James Earl Jones back for the voice, cause that is perfect for the sinister character. Also, Mel gibson is much too old…he’s just as old as Ford, and that would be completely inaffective. the only one you put on there that I agree with is Sean Connery as Kenobi, that might actually work. I think I would shoot myself if someone like Van Der Beek was Skywalker… he just doesn’t have the youthful charasmatic feel that a young Jedi needs.

Here’s my picks…

Luke-Matt Damon, I think he could pull off the innocent enthusiasm thing.

Leia-Go a different way and get Laura Prepon.

Obi Wan/Ben Kenobe-Anthony Hopkins.

Han Solo-Christian Slater.

Lando-B.D. Wong

Darth Vader-Christopher Titus

C3PO-Owen Wilson (though Chris Rock might be good here too)

Luke - Ewan McGregor would’ve been great for this role 5-6 years ago. Someone mentioned James Vanderbeek, but I’d prefer Varsity Blues castmate Paul Walker to play Luke in 2001. Walker played original starting QB Lance in VB.

Leia - Hard to think of actresses who can pull off both regal and hard-nosed. Perhaps Claire Forlani or Charisma Carpenter (a stretch). Charlize Theron would probably best both.

Han - IMHO, this is the hardest role to cast. Valentine’s David Boreanaz was born for this role, but is probably too young to play it in 2001. On the other side of the spectrum, Mel Gibson would’ve been great as Solo 10 years ago.

For now, what are our options? George Clooney? Russell Crowe? Better would be Traffic’s Benicio Del Toro. Del Toro has sufficient edginess, but would lend an Latin flavor to the Solo character that Ford never did. Is that necessarily a bad thing if there is hypothetically no Ford’s Solo to compare to? Blade’s Stephen Dorff could probably also pull the role off.

Truth be told, Boreanaz and Gibson could probably still make Han Solo work in 2001.

Obi-Wan - Remember that TV show The Equalizer? The 71-year-old Edward Woodward would make an outstanding Kenobi. I also like the suggestion of Anthony Hopkins.

Darth Vader - Shaquille O’Neal. Wait … go with me here: Shaq has the requisite size in spades. He already has plenty of experience on movie sets & is familiar with the day-to-day routine of film-making. As a pro basketball player, he has the necessary strength & agility to learn Vader’s “choreography” and pull it off wearing a heavy costume. As long as he doesn’t have to talk, Shaq IMO can pull off the role of Vader.

If we can’t have JEJ do Vader’s voice, I think any of Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman or Laurence Fishburne would fit the bill. Jackson sometimes does voice-overs for museum tours & such - his voice can be very Vader-like if he is going for that effect.

Lando - Denzel Washington could play Lando in a manner that we are accustomed to Billy Dee Williams playing him. For a twist, Jason’s Lyric Allen Payne would do well as Lando. He would better play a contemporary to Boreanaz’ or Del Toro’s Solo than Washington would, too.

If Gibson or Crowe played Solo, Laurance Fishburne or Terminator 2’s Joe Morton could well hold up the role of Lando.

C3PO - The Full Monty’s Robert Carlyle - no question. If we do not hold ourselve’s to British actors, Kevin Spacey could do 3PO’s voice.

How’s that?

Luke Skywalker - Jude Law
Princess Leia - Gweneth Paltrow
Han Solo - Mel Gibbson (cudos to dpr)
Obi Wan - Sean Connery (cudos to dpr)
Yoda - Mel Brooks
Darth Vader - Val Kilmer
Emperor Palpatine - Billy Crystal
Chewbacca - Tim Robbins
C3PO - Chris Rock
R2D2 - Verne Troyer
Lando Calrisian - Samuel L. Jackson
Boba Fett - Kevin Bacon
Admiral Ackbar - Matt Damon
Mon Mothma - Judi Dench
Admiral Piett - Kevin Spacy
Jabba the Hut - Marlin Brando (sorry, had to dip into the past for this one)
Ya Chouhada - Leonardo DeCaprio

I’d have a hard time thinking of anyone as Darth Vader other than James Earl Jones, but Samuel L. Jackson would be good.

I don’t really have any great ideas about the other characters, but what about Julia Stiles as Leia?

Ooh–Hubby just suggested Patrick Stewart as Obi-Wan. I think that could work. Or he’d be a good Darth Vader voice.

Let’s see:
Luke Skywalker: Bill Pullman
Darth Vader: Rick Moranis
C3P0: Joan Rivers
R2D2: Kenny Baker

I think if you took it right, Omar Sharif could probably do Obi Wan-he’s got that Old Wise Sage thing down.

I think Kate Winslet would make a kickass Leia. Or Natalie Portman, as she played Amidala/Padme. Kate could play Mara Jade, if they decided to include her in the movie (which they should-she’s the best fucking character there is).

Who? I’m a Star Wars fanatic, and I don’t remember that one.

If I remember my star wars correctly he would be the little guy that sat laid at the end of Jaba’s tail and laughed like a crased idiot.

my bad his name was actually salacious crumb
my bad, sorry
but still, Leo get’s the job :wink:

hahaha…lets bring back Lord Helmet, and get the original Artoo while we’re at it

Obi-wan would be played to a T by Geoffrey Rush.

Luke can be played by David Spade. :smiley:

Han Solo: Matthew McConnaughey
Princess Leia: Kate Beckinsale
Luke Skywalker: Topher Grace
Obi Wan Kenobi: Sir Ian McKellen
Darth Vader (voice): James Earl Jones
Grand Moff Tarkin: Christopher Lee

Luke Skywalker: D’oh! I was gonna say Topher Grace
Princess Leia: Kate Hudson
Obi Wan Kenobi: Morgan Freeman
Han Solo: Jude Law
Grand Moff Tarkin: Christopher Lee
Owen Lars: Donald Sutherland
Beru Lars/Whitesun: Ellen Burstyn sp?
Mon Mothma: Helen Mirren
Lando Calrissian: Taye Diggs

Jennifer Lopez as Chewbacca.

That guy who was in The Green Mile as the inmate would fit fine in the Darth Vader role.

That would absolutely work perfectly…