Fage Yogurt? how to eat this stuff?

I bought a container of Fage yogurt after hearing a few friends rave about the superiority of this brand of Greek-style yogurt. For those who haven’t seen it, it comes in a little tub with a tiny little side container of a mix-in. I bought the plain yogurt with honey.

So far, so good? No. I have never been confused by yogurt before, but I have a couple of questions:

  1. The side of the container says “Please Do Not Stir.” WTF? I’ve been stirring yogurt all my life. Does that make me some heathen barbarian? What will happen if I stir this one? (Will it explode?)
  2. Yogurt lives in the refrigerator. That means the honey in the little sidecar is also refrigerated. Cold honey doesn’t mix well into anything easily, especially if you’re, ah, not allowed to stir the mixture.
    I really don’t need answer fast, as this is my breakfast, I’ve already opened it, and I’ll have finished it off, cold unstirred honey and all, before long. But I want to do this right the next time I want some yogurt-y goodness!

That little side container is bullshit. It’s too narrow for you to stick your spoon in there and scrape out the last little bit of fruit or bee vomit. It’s a marketing gimmick more than anything else.

Fuck their rules. Stir that shit.

(I’ve never bought the fage stuff. My greek yogurt has always come pre-mixed.)

I have never tried this “new” version, but did eat yogurt when I was in Greece. They tend to eat theirs almost room temperature…so perhaps the trick is to let it sit outside of the fridge for an hour or so before [del]mixing[/del] spreading honey on top?

I just take a spoonful of yogurt and dip it in the honey (or fruit). I’ve tried stirring it before and nothing horrendous happens, it just makes the yogurt a different texture.

You let it sit out for five minutes to soften the honey; the varieties with jam in the sidecar don’t have this problem. And yes, you are permitted to stir. You’ll get yogurt laced with ribbons of honey, yum. If you stir till it’s homogenous it’s not as perfectly yum.

I don’t bother with the little cups. I get a big tub of 0% and fruit cups.

I do stir hell out of it, though. So far, no explosions.

I’m a big fan of Greek yogurt, and I’ve hated (regular) yogurt forever.

I like the pairing side by side, havent tried one yet. Hope it’s easily rinsable for recycling. But the sidecart (!?) probably ups the cost by a buck.

First you scoop Fage some into a bowl and pour some of my homemade cherry “slurry” over top. Pour all you want, I made close to 40 pints this year for this very purpose. Then you eat it by scooping a little of each as you go, until you get tied of that and decide to mix them. What’s that you say, you didn’t make any cherry slurry this year? My heart goes out to you but my family only keeps me around for the slurry so I have none to spare.

I stirred it and police showed up at my door. They would have given me just a warning but they found out I had also torn the tags off my mattress and pillows, so I was toast.

I’m writing this from prison. :frowning:

P.S. I scoop the fruit stuff into the yogurt and stir a little. I leave some unstirred, as I always give my doggies the last two spoonfuls and I don’t give them the fruit.

I’ve had it before and also Chobani, which also has the little side cup. I never saw on either that I wasn’t supposed to stir them. How else do you mix the fruit with the yogurt? For me, I just tipped the sidecar into the yogurt and it fell out easily, then I’d stir it. No need to stick the spoon in the little cup, but then I only had the strawberry kind.

For the record, Fage tends to begin to look like cottage cheese even before it expires so I refuse to eat it anymore. I also prefer yogurt that I don’t have to premix, although I make an exception for Liberte, my favorite. My dog licks the bottom of the cup too.

Also, Fage, really? I know they pronounce it “Fayay” but it’s Fage. Like phage. Like corprophage. So the association isn’t very flattering to me.

I always just squeeze the fruit from the little cup onto the top of the yogurt, then just use my spoon to go straight down into the yogurt. No mixing.

You are misunderstanding the directions. By “do not stir” they mean to sit still in your chair and consume it. If you stir, or move about, you may dribble some on your chin.

No no no… take the sidecar of honey and bend it up and over to allow the honey to ooze into the yogurt section. Perhaps you can wedge the whole contraption under a book, or in my case I wedge it under the monitor. About five minutes will do it.

Stirring Fage ruins its texture. It’s meant to be firm and creamy, not liquidy and gloppy like Yoplait.

As for the honey, you spoon a bit onto the top of the yogurt and then dip your spoon downward to get some honey and some yogurt in each bite. The contrasts in textures and flavors makes for a much better experience than stirring the honey in and making it all uniform.

For what it’s worth, I buy plain Fage (zero) without the sidecar of honey. I provide my own honey, so I just drizzle it on a little bit at a time.

You’re onto something here. I’ve used the handle end of my spoon, but then that mucks up the handle and the back of my hand. Too much is left in the sidecar.

I must have smaller spoons. :slight_smile: It was delicious, but I see now what you meant about stirring messing with the texture. Will try the simple drizzle next time.

I like the honey cold. I scoop a bit onto my spoon, also scoop some yogurt on there, and suck the semisolid honey and yogurt off. Deeelicious.
Stirring poisons the yogurt.

The sidecar is a marketing ploy. I’m also not impressed with Fage – yes, it’s a tad denser than Chobani, but that’s it IMO.

Besides I like to mix my yogurt and fruit/honey/whatever. The denseness of Greek yogurt means that it’ll never meld into something smooth and creamy like Yoplait: You’re always going to have those “ribbons” in there.

This, as far as stirring. The texture is not an insignificant part of what separates it from your cheap yogurts. Personally, I’m perfectly content to eat it plain because it’s just that awesome, but when I have wanted to eat it with other stuff, like granola or fruit, one goes on top of the other and it’s not mixed up.