My laptop can't find my network printer - how do I open its eyes?

When I go through “Add a Printer,” I get to a spot that says “browse for a printer” and when I click that, it doesn’t find the printer that’s attached to my desktop. I have checked to enable sharing on that computer, but even though it’s available, it’s not being detected, so that I never get a list of available printers that would include that one. It used to work, but now it doesn’t. Anything I can try to hook this thing back up? Thanks, Dopers. xo, C.

Is there a setting or switch, either on the printer or in the printer’s software settings, that enables Wifi sharing? Is it only the laptop that doesn’t see the printer or do other wireless devices also fail to connect?

ETA, Is it plugged in? :wink:

The desktop computer is connected by wire to the printer. In the past, I could print something from the laptop to the printer. I don’t know how. Both computers are connected to a wireless network for internet.

Ok, on the desktop open the printer, and check that Sharing is enabled - it may have turned off.

Check the network settings on the two computers - they should be in the same Workgroup, otherwise they won’t see each other.

I should say I’m still with XP. I don’t have any “workgroups” in my network settings. The laptop and the desktop are just in the same wireless network. I must be so stupid that I’m overlooking something significantly major. Oh, well.

What has changed since you were able to do that? Check for any updated printer drivers online.

If all else fails, you can often add a printer manually. With my Brother printers, clicking three times on the “Start” button on the printer will print a set of diagnostic pages. One of them includes both the current IP address and network name. Typing in the name seems to keep the laptop able to talk to the printer without any future problems.

This may not be the most elegant solution, but I find it a lot easier than troubleshooting the rest of the features.

If I had to guess, and for now, I do have to guess, the printer has been getting an IP address on your network via DHCP, and that process recently changed the IP.

I’ve set static IP addresses on all of my printers and wired devices so there’s no messing with things getting new IPs every few days. It’s a bit of a minor hassle at the start of what could otherwise be “plug and play” but it helps avoid future headaches.

If your router is like 99% of them, your network is using addresses that start as 192.168.1.x - you should be able to assign to the printer. Exactly how to do this will depend on your particular brand and model of printer.

Ah, the old changing IP address thing - whatever the hell that means. I love how much I’ve learned over the years at the SD. Just now, for instance, I learned that I need to get my friend, Phil, over here to help me fix this goddammed computer. Thank you one and all.

You (IIRC) need to specifically enable sharing for the printer via the printer setup menu under XP not just the computer attached to the printer.

Also, generally I’ve found it’s far easier for wireless PCs to find printers if the printers are setup and connected as a TCP-IP network devices and hooked to the wireless router hub network port via an Ethernet cable vs trying to access them as devices hooked via USB cables to the desktop computer. This also allows access to the printer even if the desktop PC is off.

Yes, you do have work groups in Windows XP. Right click on “Computer”, select “Properties”, then left click on the “Computer Name” tab; you will see the Workgroup name here… The workgroup is probably “MSHOME” or “WORKGROUP”; make sure both computers are the same.

Even before seeing the printer, can the laptop see the desktop? Any chance they’re not joining the same workgroup at login? If so, they wouldn’t be able to see each other. If the laptop can’t see the desktop, it’s not going to see anything the desktop thinks it’s sharing.

This is a shared printer, not a network printer. Shared printers don’t have their own IP address.

Many laser printers these days, even cheap ones, have ethernet ports.

I’m just going by what the OP said. It’s a shared printer connected to a computer on the network.

Or, just carry the laptop to where the printer is and plug the printer directly into the laptop, but I’m kind of a Luddite at times.

:smack: Ah, you learn something every day. Ok, I DO have a workgroup, and both computers have the same one. At some point, the computer asks me to tell it what computer to attach to and it asks for a URL. I put in the IP address, but that didn’t work. How do I figure out the specific URL of my desktop? Maybe that will work. Jeezus, how do they let people walk out of a store with one of these things without their having the foggiest idea of how to work them?

Home Depot will happily sell you a hammer, saw, nails, and lumber, those dont include “how to build a house” lessons, no matter how much you buy from them.

I can’t get my hammer to properly connect with the nails I just purchased. The hammer sees the nail, and the nail sees the hammer, but when I attempt to actively connect the two, hammer is somehow redirected and connects with my thumb. :smiley:

Jesus, you guys - I was just confessing to my own ignorance, not suggesting that there be a test before you purchase the thing. Jeez.