Start with Eureka or Warehouse 13 or does it matter?

I’ve watched Firefly, X-Files, Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse and am looking for a new fun sci-fi series on Netflix. I’ve read a little bit about Eureka and Warehouse 13 and they seem to fit the bill. Since they are sister shows with crossovers (like Buffy and Angel), I am trying to figure out the sequence in which to watch them. Should I start with Eureka first and then Warehouse 13? Watch them in order of airing? (meaning start Warehouse 13 after the 3rd season of Eureka and alternate until finished?) Does it matter?

A word of warning. I tend to be a bit OCD when it comes to watching TV. Episodes must be watched in order.

Eureka started before W13 - so start with Eureka.

The Crossovers are not until later in both series -

The crossovers are minimal and the crossing characters don’t tend to behave like their main-series counterparts. I’d say it doesn’t really matter, but Eureka first would be my recommendation as well.

I didn’t care that much for Eureka, and only watched the first season, but I like Warehouse 13. I don’t think it matters which show you watch first, or if you watch them side-by-side. But do watch them in order.


Also after those two add Alphas to the list, there is one minor crossover from Warehouse 13 to Alphas.

Eureka is AWESOME in the later seasons. Truly ambitious and fun.

On the other hand, I thought it was awesome the first three seasons, so-so the fourth, and sheer awfulness after that. I actually pretty much stopped watching. To each their own…

IMHO, letting Ed Quinn leave without replacing him with an adequate foil for Carter was very much the beginning of the shark jump.

There’s also overlap with actors in both, but playing different characters (Saul Rubinek appears in Eureka, and Erica Cerra appears in Warehouse 13), and more importantly they contradict each other as Eureka is science based* and actively denies fantasy, while WH13 is all entirely fantasy.

*If comic book level science fiction

I never really felt the love for W13.
Eureka though, is awesome.

This. Warehouse 13 never interested me in the least, but the first three seasons of Eureka were wonderful. The only redeeming features of the last two seasons were Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day, and we know how that turned out.

I loved the picaresque feel of the early seasons of Eureka. Sort of Andy of Mayberry meets science fiction. Wish they’d brought Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton on earlier.

Now AI have to go listen to Felicia by the Constellations. Not really about Felicia Day, except in my head.

Thank you one and all. I have watched the first two episodes of Eureka and have already developed a minor crush on Colin Ferguson. Plus, I was delighted to discover Joe Morton as a regular.

I so want to live in that bunker home.