The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne- Worst Show Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This show on the Sci-Fi network is the product of the last living brain cell of the writers who created it. Seriously, here’s the premise:

You know Jules Verne, the Science Fiction genius? Yeah, well he didn’t have any creative ideas on his own. Nope, he had a series of adventures that gave him all the characters and plots to his greatest work. :mad:

Okay, sound somewhat reasonable? Maybe. Maybe if Stanley Kubrick or Steven Spielberg made this with the greatest cast in the history of film. Not likely, but maybe.

But no. This show has the audacity to be poorly made. Bad acting. Bad cinematography. Bad special effects. Bad directing. Horrifying editing. Even the opening credits are weak. I mean come on, spend some money on opening credits!

This show doesn’t offend me as a fan of Science Fiction. It offends me as an owner of a television. I hate that there was a board meeting held where the consenting opinion was that the public would like this show.

Now that I’ve cleared my mind of this burden, I shall leave.

Oh, andWolverine, this is my 286th post, which puts me one ahead of you. Wuhahahahahahah!!!

have you ever seen black scorpion?:slight_smile:

Obviously you’ve never seen Street Smarts, Blind Date, or “Dr.” Laura’s show.

Trust me, you’ve not seen bad TV if you’re bitching about TSAOJV like you were the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.

Watch Gimme A Break or Different Strokes… that’s some BAD television.

I back Asmodean on this one. I can make it through an episode of Jules Vern. It requires teeth gritting occasionally, but I can make it through. If Black Scorpian comes on I only have about 30 seconds to find the remote and change the channel or my brain bursts from my skull and escapes the room. Only Teletubbies and Barney have a faster “brain leaves skull” time.

Clearly this person never witnessed the horror that was “Cop Rock”.


All right. I agree. Cop Rock bit the big one. It reeked.

But I have to tell you — I could almost kiss Bochco’s shoes for trying. He is a genius, and when he fails, he fails big!

There are still people who love it. Really.

He got a really, really new idea for a TV show past the suits, and tried it. Yes, it fell flat, and I mean really fell flat. But that’s what a risk is.

For that reason alone, it beats Jules Verne all to hell. There is nothing here but reworked retreds. (I had to get back to the OP somehow, didn’t I?) There is nothing, nothing at all, to recommend this show for all the money spent on it beyond Tracy Scoggins in a skimpy costume, lots of sweat, and the worst fake French accent ever to hit the screen.

Could be worse.

Could be “Lexx”.


Warn a person before you mention that name! I barely managed to keep my brain from trying to escape when I came across your post.

jayjay (who thinks Lexx is to Farscape as Lost in Space was to ST:TOS)

What? Somebody thinks there is a show worse than “jack of All Trades” or “Cleopatra 2525”?

Most of the shows mentioned here have been cheap-jack cable or syndication efforts. How about the horror that is “Weber”, which is not only on a network, but on “Must See TV”???

I must mention Struck by Lightning starring jack Elam as Frankenstein’s monster. You see, he is now the caretaker at a hotel in Vermont, and he has lured the last living relative of his creator to the hotel because he needs a tune-up or something. (Not like he would get any help from like, a medical professional or a research institution.)

Did I mention that this was a sit-com?

That’s really quite the point, though. Lexx is supposed to be low-brow, soft-core porn, goofy fun.

If you don’t think it IS fun, fine, but at least try not to trash it for not being something it doesn’t try to be…

Alright, sister. Them’s fightin’ words. “Jack of All Trades” was a fine show and I will not have it maligned! And, as this thread tells us, I am not alone in this feeling. It was so loveable! It was goofy! It had Bruce Campbell kicking ass! The affect of BCKA[sup]tm[/sup] on the quality of any show cannot–indeed, should not–be underestimated.

Cleopatra 2525 is a piece of shite, though, you’re right about that. So it stands to reason that Jack was dropped and Cleo was extended to a full hour, right? My sanity hinges on the idea that there is an alternate universe somewhere where the continued existence of Cleopatra 2525 makes some form of sense.

Ack! Let’s make that “affect” an “effect,” shall we?

“Jack of All Trades” at least looks semi-entertaining. But Cleopatra is in close competition for the bottom spot with another show, “Queen of Swords”. Oh, my, GOD does this show suck. Keep your eyes peeled, see if you think it can take on Cleopatra and Jules Verne.

[Edited by Alphagene on 04-17-2001 at 03:00 AM]