Stupidest Looking Death Scenes

I nominate the otherwise fine movie Rope by Alfred Hitchcock.

At the beginning of the movie, the two killers are murdering a buddy of theirs by strangling him with a rope. As the camera pulls back from the victim, it shows him standing inside a chest, standing up between the two killers. I suppose we’re to assume that the victim didn’t put up a fight since everyone is in evening clothes, and there’s not a hair out of place on anyone. Nice of the victim to climb obligingly into the storage chest for these fellas. Also considerate of him to stand politely until his killer announces he’s dead, and then plop neatly into the chest. No wonder these thrill killers chose this guy. He’s so cooperative.

Okay, the scene took less than a minute, and the rest of the movie was all cool and evil in the best way possible. I guess the two killers are supposed to be holding the body up between them, but it really looks like the way I described it.
Why couldn’t one of the killers have been holding the guy’s arms behind his back on the ground while the other strangled him, and then both of the killers put the body in the storage chest? At least, that would’ve been more convincing.

I just saw the movie Unfaithful which has a murder that’s almost as laughable. But what do you guys think? Any others?

I thought the death scene of Mr. Spock in Wrath of Khan was just about as bad as it gets. Maudlin, tedious and not particularly believable.

Any scene where a character suddenly gets run over by a speeding bus.

(I always imagine the bus driver in those scenes, not swerving / honking / slamming on the brakes. Is he all, “Uh-oh! Well, that’s a shame.”)

Well, nobody can see the bus coming, because it’s outside the frame of the camera. It’s tragic but what are the characters supposed to do? Look outside the frame? Also, buses are completely silent until they ram into someone, and have to travel at 50 miles an hour through suburban streets and crowded city intersections.

This is how giant creatures like Tyrannosaurs and Godzilla can sneak up on people…hide just outside the camera frame and you’re invisible and inaudible.

Well, what do you expect? If they slow below 50 mph they’ll explode.

You would have to have a heart of stone to watch Debra Winger’s death scene in Terms of Endearment without laughing…

House of Flying Daggers

The female protagonist dies and resurrects about 10 times

Which reminds me – Kenny, every episode. Well, they stopped that at some point.

Hey, now, this thread is about stupid death scenes, not stupid plots.

Charlie Sheen in Young Guns: Charlie Sheen Dies...Winning ! - YouTube

Damn you, hybrid technology!

Garbage day!!! - A short youtube clip of a particularly memorably bad death scene.

I thought I was the only one in the theater laughing. Good to know I’m not alone.

My bro and I were expelled forcibly from a theater when we couldn;t stop laughing at the death scene in Love Story.

There is a death scene in The Dark Knight Rises that is cringeworthy. If you’ve seen the movie you know what I’m referring to. It definitely should have been reshot.

…Paul Reubens in Buffy, the Movie.
(Spoiled because it links to Live Link and occasionally they have NSFW adverts pop up.)

Okay, who am I kidding. That death was awesome!

I thought there was a line in The Rope about killing him from behind in the armchair on the right side of the set, the one that Jimmy Stewart sat in at one point.

Thehelicopter hit scene in Godfather 3.

Highlighted by:

Orange rolling off the fruit tray

“My coat! my lucky coat!”

“Zaza you son of a bitch!” shakes fist

The worst death scene ever is Gerard Depardieu you at the end of Cyrano de Bergerac. He staggers around for three minutes, and then at the end gasps out: “…at least I had…” (long, long pause)


That is the ONLY thing I remember about that movie! :slight_smile: