Something from Monty Python that's Not Funny?

In another thread about the genius of Monty Python, Smiling Bandit posted that a lot of Monty Python bits suck.

I wouldn’t say a lot of Monty Python sucks but I think it would be interesting to post some Python bits that Dopers didn’t like.

My example is not from the TV series, but from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When the King of Swamp Castle leaves Prince Herbert in his room, he posts two guards. The guards are so stupid that the king has to spend several minutes explaining the concept of guarding the prince to them. It’s not funny and goes on waaayyyy too long.

Of the TV show, I think the one show they did that had a continual story line about a guy riding his bike through the continent and winding up in front of a firing squad was a little lame. It had a few funny lines: “My lack of God!! It’s Trotsky!!” But I guess I prefer the short bits.

How 'bout some others?

I agree with Smiling Bandit, and go one further. Very little to almost none is funny.

The scene with 2000 gallons of artificial vomit.

The entire “balooning” episode, which keeps referring to some ballooning guys.

The Golden Age of Ballooning, I think.

I guess there may have been stuff that was so unfunny it was forgettable, but I honestly can’t think of a single unfunny Monty Python bit (and I’ve seen it all multiple times).

Sorry - haven’t seen much of it, but that which I have - while mildly amusing - never struck me as funny.

A lot of my friends seem to like it, but don’t recall any I thought were funny.

Maybe I haven’t seen the funniest stuff - is the Holy Grail - or whatever had the “huge tracts of land” considered to be some of the funniest? I’ve seen Life of Brian too, but don’t know if these are considered some of the funnier works.

I liked the grail, 'cept for some dude kept clapping them dam coconut halves together…

I guess the music had a rhythm…

Kinda reminded me of Iron Maiden’ish…

Couldn’t they have post produced the sound and add that later, with a full band? :confused:

I like quite a bit of MP, but there is definitely some rough around all those diamonds.

I was never quite sure if the animations were even supposed to be funny. I can’t recall a single one that didn’t make me profoundly and inarticulately uncomfortable. They just creeped me out.

Season 4.

Oh, come on, “Life of Brian” must be the funniest comedy ever made. Or, “Meaning of Life” - this scene is the ultimate classic The Meaning of Life (6/11) Movie CLIP - Would Rather Be Elsewhere (1983) HD - YouTube

Or, German episode - - YouTube - the funniest stuff on TV. I mean, it’s in German!!!

“O where did that fishy go…”


And it went wherever I did go!

Mr. Creosote vomiting, and then exploding. Not particularly amusing to me.

re: “You stay here, and make sure he doesn’t leave” scene: One of my favorites.

OK, I’ll give you that one. Even more so, because the haters of that film seem to focus on the hilarious Mr. Creosote sketch. Just Cleese’s pronunciation of the word “wafer” with a French accent raises that sketch to the level of genius.

Whereas I, being fortunate enough to actually see it in a theatre, was actually falling out of my seat laughing.

During the TV show’s run they threw a lot of stuff at the wall and not all of it stuck, especially in the later seasons.

I saw an episode a while ago with a very long and painfully unfunny bit regarding Eric Idle purchasing a pet ant, then trying to return it because it only had five legs. The parrot sketch it wasn’t.

But I forgive them such misses, because when they did hit, they hit big.

Of course every millisecond of Monty Python is hysterically funny. It’s just that some people are not sophisticated enough to understand the humor.

Same here; saw it opening night in DC with a friend. Some people did react negatively; many ran out and I’m pretty sure I saw someone actually vomit in response (or at least dry-heave). Priceless.

There were definitely some dire moments in the television show as well as some filler that went nowhere. Those bits are best forgotten and, as Wheelz notes, the successful material was genius which makes the failures less annoying.

That said, it would have been nice if they could have occasionally finished a sketch properly now and then.

Despite the fact that Douglas Adams came on to write, at the end when Cleese had left there was a serious drop off in the funny. Episodes like Mr Neutron had their moments but not nearly as good as earlier shows.