The underuse of Dr Pepper in cocktails

Dr Pepper is older than Coca-Cola, and is a very popular soft drink, like 5th or 6th in the US. Why aren’t more mixed drinks made with it?
The flavor is distinctive, I guess, but only in comparison to colas which themselves have a distinctive flavor; that is, neither Coke nor Pepsi nor Dr Pepper taste like anything natural (like orange or lemon or whatever). It’s not like it’s overpowering or anything.

who would dare sully the perfect taste of Dr Pepper’s refreshing 23 flavors with gross alcohol

These folks, apparently. :wink:

I haven’t personally found a whole lot that goes well with the fairly complex taste. Rum and Dr. Pepper is pretty darn good. Amaretto and Dr. P is okay, but awfully sweet - sweeter than amaretto and coke. I can enjoy one, but then I want something that doesn’t coat my tongue so much - and I’m a fan of sweet cocktails.

I think it’s the sweet. It’s a very particular cloying sweet that doesn’t play well with others.

Sure they do. Cola is a blend of citrus and spice (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.) flavors.

Dr. Pepper has several more flavors, so naturally it doesn’t mix as well (that is, it clashes with more things).

Heat it up and use it in place of coffee.

You stock root beer on your bar and people would bring their kids into the bar. It’s not good for business, because other judgmental people think kids don’t belong in bars. They don’t like to see that, even when it’s some clueless weekend Dad who just doesn’t know any better. A disdainful majority is not conducive to a good night at the bar for anyone. It’s nobody’s business if he’s feeding his four year old chili dogs and chips with root beer while he plays pool. But it upsets people, and some of them won’t come back because they don’t want to see that.

I heard this excuse from three different bar managers, in three different bars, so maybe there is something to it.


Not sure what it’s got to do with Dr. Pepper, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Yeah, that seems like overkill. If you’ve ever had a “Flaming Dr. Pepper,” it’s a flaming shot of amaretto and high-proof alcohol (grain alcohol or Bacardi 151), set afire and dumped into half a pint of beer, “bomb shot” style. It a stupid frat/college kind of drink, but it does taste surprisingly reminiscent of a Dr. Pepper. I’m sure a regular Dr. Pepper drinker may quibble, but as someone who only has Dr. Pepper on occasion, I was startled by how much it reminded me of it. So, pairing Dr. Pepper with something that already is in the same general ballpark of flavor as Dr. Pepper sounds kind of redundant to me.

That is evidence of my long-held view that absolutely any combination of any variety of alcohols has been tried before and given a name.

If I saw kids in a bar, I’d turn right around and leave. It’s not an appropriate environment for them. People say and do some stupid/ crude things when drinking. Furthermore, I want to be able to enjoy myself and personally say and do some of those things without kids around to witness it!

Yup, but we called it a “Dr. Pepper From Hell”, and it required a towel and sink to perform properly. Swear on all that I can remember it tasted almost EXACTLY like Dr. Pepper. And I’m in the South, so I’d know. :slight_smile:

That said, DP made with cane sugar (the late, lamented “Dublin Dr. Pepper”) is probably one of the best sodas ever. It’s amazing how light and refreshing a soda made without corn syrup can be.

I can tell you for sure it does not go well with tequila. At least not Diet Dr Pepper, and I can’t see why the regular version would be any better. In my defense I really, really needed a drink and all there was in the house was some Jose Cuervo and Diet Dr Pepper. It might have been better iced, but I doubt it.

I’ve made the same mistake when all there was left in the house was gin and cream soda.

Because alcohol helps one take the stick out of one’s ass, unlike Dr Pepper.

I actually really like Diet Dr. Pepper with a splash of orange or apple juice and vodka.

It’s Dr Pepper, not Dr. Pepper.

I concur!

Personally though, I enjoy using it as a ‘chaser’ after a sip of straight vodka. Kills the burn of rotgut vodka quite nicely! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t believe that those people have tried most of those combinations. That’s just a list they made up for the purpose of giving combinations ‘clever’ names.

Never noticed that. Wonder why they do it that way.

It used to have a period, but they dropped it for somebody’s idea of a cleaner graphic design.