Can You Believe That Atheism Is Proud That It Has Nothing To Offer.

Atheists say that they are not a religion, an organization, and don’t have an agenda. What do they have? They have absolutely nothing to offer.

G.K. Chesterton said,“Without God, there would be no atheists.”

True or false.

I say false, they have lots to offer. They spend all day on bulletin boards throwing stones at the theists and trying to figure out where they should go to for lunch.

You are already peacocking your inability to understand very simple concepts in your other thread on this very same topic so why start another?

Nope, you’re still not getting it. Gods are in the same category as leprechauns to us. Imagine there’s a word- let’s call it aleprism- for a lack of belief in leprechauns. Does aleprism have anything to offer? I think it “offers” a rational, evidence-based belief, just like atheism, but that’s it- it’s just a belief. Leprechauns, unicorns, fire-breathing dragons, ancient astronauts, and gods- they’re all the same to us. Just another mythical being that we don’t believe there’s evidence for.

Almost no one believes in leprechauns, so there’s no reason to claim “aleprism”- though pretty much everyone on earth is an “aleprist”. But lots of people believe in a god- so there’s a word for the people who don’t. If, in 1000 years, belief in god is as uncommon as belief in leprechauns is, then atheism will cease to be much of a topic for discussion.

All atheism is, is a very specific sort of non belief.

All theism is, is a very specific sort of nonsense believed without evidence.

All that religion has to offer is fairy tales and superstition.

I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny. I don’t believe in Santa Claus. I don’t believe that there are fairies living at the bottom of my garden. I don’t believe in Thor, or Zeus, or Ra.

And I also don’t believe in Yahweh, Allah, or this “God” character. My understanding is that those are all the same deity. Is that what religious people mean when they talk about the “Holy Trinity”? :wink:

Actually, don’t bother answering that question.

I am completely and utterly uninterested in “theology” as it seems to me to be the ultimate waste of time. Billions of man-hours are wasted by humanity every week due to this superstitious mumbo jumbo.

And you religious idiots even start wars over this crap… We’d be exploring the stars by now if it wasn’t for you morons.

IMHO Theists believe that the heart and soul of man is eternal. Atheists believe that man will turn back into dust. Which would you rather believe?

Atheists should not be proud that they don’t know what the truth is and they should not be proud that they have nothing to offer.

And religious types should not be proud of believing and spouting nonsense.

We offer the truth, as honestly as we can tell. You offer lies and myths and impossible explanations of the universe.

End of debate.

When “nothing” is the correct answer to a question, then one should be, if not proud, then at least content to offer it as the answer.

I’d rather believe that we turn back to dust. Why is this relevant?

So the truth is we turn into dust, wow…how valuable. Guess what…that is the reason you have no agenda and no organizations. Why would anybody bother with going to that type of organization?

The truth is this guy has opened a second thread on the same topic as a way to dump all the reponses that have comprehensively answered his non question and we should all stop engaging.

Why should I go to this alleged organization? I’m busy filling my life with OTHER meaningful, enriching, charitable, social and stimulating activities. It’s not a ‘believe in religion or have a life empty of meaning and depth’ false choice. I don’t need an atheism to provide value to my life.

I would rather believe that I’ll see my dead relatives and loved ones again, and that I’d never truly die.

But I’m not a child. So believing in fantasies because they are comforting is worthless. Adults should face reality.

I don’t *know *the truth. But I do know that the beliefs religious people have are based on nothing but wishful thinking. The only thing that religion has to offer is lies told by delusional or manipulative people.

Jesus, if he existed, was nailed to a tree and died forever. It’s shitty, but much of the world is shitty. Although it is getting better as we turn away from the stupidity of religion.

I don’t believe that this is accurate. I’ve, at least, known atheists who believe in reincarnation and the eternality of the consciousness and I would not be surprised at all to learn of a theistic belief in a god which does not involve the “heart and sould of man” being eternal. The Norse pantheon comes to mind in that I believe that most, if not all, of the warriors in Valhalla and at least several gods will not survive Ragnarok.

Why would anyone bother with going to an organization that is religious?

There are countless other religions that disagree with your religion. What makes your specific religion superior to the others?

You seem to be a true believer in some kind of deity. So I’ll ask you a simple question: How was your “god” created?

Sure, when the “something” being offered is garbage; worth less than nothing. Given a choice between nothing and a facefull of raw sewage, I’ll take the nothing.

The latter, since it happens to be true. You are doing the classic religious thing of acting as if what we want to be believe is what we should believe, regardless of if it’s true.

It’s better than believing in souls and an afterlife, given the twisted and destructive behavior that tends to be the result.

We don’t have an “agenda and organization” because we don’t agree on anything besides there not being any gods, so there’s no reason for any such agenda. People have told you this before, repeatedly.

Well, we don’t turn into dust, of course. That’s (literally) the detritus your primitive beliefs tell us: We are made of dust and to dust we shall return.

And now you can explain to me how, yes, but, “dust” doesn’t mean dust when YOU use the word, and how you’re also promised an eternal afterlife, unless you’ve slipped up somehow and are promised eternal torment, and other self-contradictory nonsense. I’ll stick with “I don’t know,” thanks.

The truth doesn’t need to be valuable, but, unlike the lies of religions, it can’t be actively harmful. But you are right, that’s why there’s no need for atheist organisations or agendas. We go to organisations that aren’t based around faith, or the lack thereof, but instead are based around our interests. That may be science, but mostly won’t be - it could be music, drinking, fantasy card game competitions, whatever really.

Do you really think that the only organisation one could belong to, and get anything valuable from, is one based around faith?

You apparetlyn haven’t gone to any religious funerals. the Pastor’s, priests etc. always say, when throwing in the handful of dirt,“Remember man you are but dust and to dust you shall return”. That isn’t an Atheist saying, but a religious one.

The one Big thing you forget to offer about Athiests is they are looking for truth,they want facts not fiction, or Beliefs in a Supreme being that has no evidence for them.

I know a lot of Atheists who do a lot of charitable work, are kind and helpful to people, because they don’t believe as you do doesn’t mean they offer nothing. If you think about it you offer nothing but your belief,on this board. and as I see it you are angry because you have failed to prove anything except thatyou have a belief, that very few pwoplw have. Of course it is your right, and it helps you ,but for someone looking for truth it is an empty challange.