The seam in a male below the testicles upto the buttocks

In an otherwise seamless creation why does the male of the human species have this seam. It looks and feels like a stitching. Whats the evolutionary significance of it?

Evolutionary significance? No. However, developmentally the scrotum is formed by fusing the fetus’ labia. So yes, it is a seam.

Taint none.

swings wet trout at…never mind, it’s a mod

Actually, that should be “'taint one”. If you’re going to use nonexistent words, at least spell them with the right punctuation, please. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re going to criticize someone’s punctuation, at least be sure it’s the punctuation you’re criticizing. :stuck_out_tongue:

As a new mom to a baby boy, I too was curious about this. But it’s not the kind of thing you type into google. Ball seams? Taint lines?

The structure referred to is the perineal raphe. It occurs in both sexes:

Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System

Wiki has photos if you want living detail.

If you’re going to criticize someone’s criticism of someone’s puntuation at least be sure it’s um …ah… I got nothing.

It’s obviously a road map of sorts!

It’s the zipper for my exo-suit.

During development, your skin essentially (and hugely oversimplifiedly) grows from the spine and curls around both sides, eventually meeting in the front. The seam you’re talking about is where the two sides of skin met up. It’s the same thing as the little dent under your nose, and why people are born with a cleft palate. There’s also a line running down your front, though it’s more obvious under the skin.

Every foetus starts out as female and given the right number of chromosomes it turns male - so that’s what would have been the female genitals if it had continued on the default settings.

We have seams in our skull, as well, which do not seal up until after birth.

I assume the ads Google would present would be an odd mix.

The correct punctuation would be “t’ain’t.” Following it with “none” is acceptable, employing the double negative for emphasis.

How is it that “taint” is not a word? Plenty of people carry the taint of corruption, even if they don’t have a seam but a labia instead.

Correct punctuation would be 'tain’t, since it’s from “it ain’t.”

In this case I’d expect the first apostrophe represents the letters -here, dropped from “there.” (The question was, “what’s the evolutionary significance of it?”)

Actually, it could go either way. I was also punning in referring to the “taint,” a colloquialism for the perineum, the area between the genitals and anus. So called because it ain’t one thing, and it ain’t the other.